catamphetamine / virtual-scroller

A component for efficiently rendering large lists of variable height items
MIT License
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Chrome error: "maximum call stack size exceeded" when making large jumps #22

Open kulogix opened 5 months ago

kulogix commented 5 months ago

When grabbing scrollbar and directly scrolling to far position in large list (e.g., skipping ~ 40k single-line records), getting "maximum call stack size exceeded". Doesn't happen if done in smaller batches (~ 30k), and doesn't happen if smaller batches are first pre-loaded, then skip to top and all the way back to bottom.

Tested on Chrome / macOS M3 Max (128GB). When tested on Safari, it runs much slower but doesn't error out (eventually completes successfully).

See below for example code (based on AlpineJS).

<div x-data="{
    files: [],
    virtualScroller: undefined,
    priorLastRenderedNumber: 0,
    currentRenderedNumber: 0,
    renderFile(file) {
        currentRenderedNumber = file.number;
        //console.log(`Rendering ${currentRenderedNumber}`);
        const root = document.createElement('article');
        const anchor = document.createElement('a');
        anchor.setAttribute('href', `/assets/${}`);
        anchor.textContent = `${file.number}: ${}`;
        return root;
     x-init="files = Array.from({ length: 100000 }, (_, index) => ({ id: crypto.randomUUID(), number: index + 1 }));"
        console.log(`Rendered ${this.priorLastRenderedNumber || 1} to ${this.currentRenderedNumber} (${this.currentRenderedNumber - (this.priorLastRenderedNumber || 1)})`);
        this.priorLastRenderedNumber = this.currentRenderedNumber;
    <div x-show="files.length == 0">No files exist yet.</div>
    <div x-show="files.length != 0" x-text="`${files.length} files displayed`"></div>
    <button @click="virtualScroller = new VirtualScroller(
    );">List Files</button>
    <div id="filesList"></div>

<script src="" integrity="sha256-ygV4Me+b49juR+FAeAif0jgdx4ILS7f724WkkPW49ow=" crossorigin="anonymous" defer></script>
<script src="" integrity="sha256-PzCKtRkxJKa72wqNvsdCDH63njGgFkmQhepPWPUI7tk=" crossorigin="anonymous"></script>
<script src=""></script>
<link rel="stylesheet" href="">
catamphetamine commented 5 months ago

Hmm. Ok.

Maybe there is such an error. When writing this component, I didn't really have a use case of tens of thousands of rows. The datasets I used were about 1k records max. So maybe that's why the error didn't manifest.

As for your use case, I won't look at the issue because I really don't have any intention of further developing this library. It seems to be stable for my particular use case — — and that suffices. Anything beyond that is out of scope for me personally.