catamphetamine / webpack-isomorphic-tools

Server-side rendering for your Webpack-built applications (e.g. React)
MIT License
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webpack-assets.json not found #71

Closed kiki-le-singe closed 8 years ago

kiki-le-singe commented 8 years ago


I get this error:

[webpack-isomorphic-tools] [error] "/[PROJECT_PATH]/webpack-assets.json" not found. Most likely it hasn't yet been generated by Webpack. Using an empty stub instead.

Any ideas to generate it? Or What does empty stub look like?

Thanks for your help

kiki-le-singe commented 8 years ago

I changed my assets imported with import by require and problems are fixed :)

import styles from './Foo.scss'



Read this may help understand why: What it does and why is it needed?

catamphetamine commented 8 years ago

Oh, I forgot about your issue.

[webpack-isomorphic-tools] [error] "/[PROJECT_PATH]/webpack-assets.json" not found This shouldn't happen at all. Post your entry javascript file where webpack-isomorphic-tools are initialized.

catamphetamine commented 8 years ago

(import styles from './Foo.scss' shouldn't have anything to do with this error)

kiki-le-singe commented 8 years ago

import styles from './Foo.scss' caused this error: [webpack-isomorphic-tools] [error] asset not found: ./src/common/styles/Foo.scss only when none webpack-assets.json has been found.

import webpack from 'webpack'
import path from 'path'
import _debug from 'debug'
import WebpackIsomorphicToolsPlugin from 'webpack-isomorphic-tools/plugin'

import isomorphicToolsConfig from './'
import projectConfig, { paths } from '../config'

const webpackIsomorphicToolsPlugin = new WebpackIsomorphicToolsPlugin(isomorphicToolsConfig)
const debug = _debug('app:webpack:config:dev')
const srcDir = paths('src')
const nodeModulesDir = paths('nodeModules')
const deps = [
const cssLoader = [

debug('Create configuration.')
const config = {
  context: paths('base'),
  devtool: 'cheap-module-eval-source-map',
  entry: {
    app: [
    vendors: projectConfig.VENDOR_DEPENDENCIES
  output: {
    path: paths('build'),
    filename: '[name]-[hash].js',
    publicPath: '/build/'
  resolve: {
    alias: {},
    root: [srcDir],
    extensions: ['', '.js', '.jsx']
  module: {
    noParse: [],
    // preLoaders: [
    //   {
    //     test: /\.js[x]?$/,
    //     loader: 'eslint',
    //     include: [srcDir]
    //   }
    // ],
    loaders: [
        test: /\.js[x]?$/,
        loader: 'babel',
        exclude: [nodeModulesDir],
        include: [srcDir],
        query: {
          cacheDirectory: true,
          presets: ['react-hmre']
        test: /\.json$/,
        loader: 'json'
        test: webpackIsomorphicToolsPlugin.regular_expression('styles'),
        include: [srcDir],
        loaders: [
        test: /\.(woff|woff2|eot|ttf|svg)(\?v=\d+\.\d+\.\d+)?$/,
        loader: 'file?name=fonts/[name].[ext]'
        test: webpackIsomorphicToolsPlugin.regular_expression('images'),
        loader: 'url?limit=10000'
  postcss: wPack => ([
    require('postcss-import')({ addDependencyTo: wPack }),
    require('autoprefixer')({ browsers: ['last 2 versions'] })
  plugins: [
    new webpack.optimize.OccurenceOrderPlugin(),
    new webpack.HotModuleReplacementPlugin(),
    new webpack.NoErrorsPlugin(),
    new webpack.optimize.CommonsChunkPlugin('vendors', '[name].[hash].js'),
    new webpack.DefinePlugin({
      __CLIENT__: projectConfig.__CLIENT__,
      __SERVER__: projectConfig.__SERVER__,
      __DEV__: projectConfig.__DEV__,
      __PROD__: projectConfig.__PROD__,
      __DEBUG__: projectConfig.__DEBUG__
    new webpack.optimize.DedupePlugin(),

// Optimizing rebundling
deps.forEach(dep => {
  const depPath = path.resolve(nodeModulesDir, dep)

  config.resolve.alias[dep.split(path.sep)[0]] = depPath

export default config

import WebpackIsomorphicToolsPlugin from 'webpack-isomorphic-tools/plugin'
import _debug from 'debug'

import projectConfig from '../config'

const debug = _debug('app:webpack:isomorphic:tools:config')

debug('Create configuration.')

export default {
  debug: projectConfig.__DEBUG__,
  assets: {
    images: {
      extensions: ['png', 'jpg', 'jpeg', 'gif', 'ico', 'svg']
    styles: {
      extensions: ['scss'],
      filter (module, regex, options, log) {
        if (options.development) {
          return WebpackIsomorphicToolsPlugin.style_loader_filter(module, regex, options, log)
        return regex.test(
      path (module, options, log) {
        if (options.development) {
          return WebpackIsomorphicToolsPlugin.style_loader_path_extractor(module, options, log);
      parser (module, options, log) {
        if (options.development) {
          return WebpackIsomorphicToolsPlugin.css_modules_loader_parser(module, options, log);
        return module.source


import WebpackIsomorphicTools from 'webpack-isomorphic-tools'

import isomorphicToolsConfig from '../../webpack/'
import projectConfig, { paths } from '../../config'

const projectBasePath = paths('base')

 * Define isomorphic constants.
global.__CLIENT__ = false
global.__SERVER__ = true
global.__DEV__ = projectConfig.__DEV__
global.__PROD__ = projectConfig.__PROD__
global.__DEBUG__ = projectConfig.__DEBUG__

global.webpackIsomorphicTools =
  new WebpackIsomorphicTools(isomorphicToolsConfig)
    .server(projectBasePath, () => {

if (__DEV__) {
} else {


  "scripts": {
    "start": "npm run dev",
    "dev": "DEBUG=app:* cross-env NODE_PATH=src babel-node -- src/server/index.js"
catamphetamine commented 8 years ago
global.webpackIsomorphicTools =
  new WebpackIsomorphicTools(isomorphicToolsConfig)
    .server(projectBasePath, () => {

if (__DEV__) {
} else {

Well, if ./server is the actual server code then in should be moved inside

.server(projectBasePath, () => {

Otherwise the assets file wouldn't have been created by the time it runs.

kiki-le-singe commented 8 years ago

yeah it works thanks. I just get this new error: [webpack-isomorphic-tools] (waiting for the first Webpack build to finish) but I fixed it because of this issue Can't generate webpack-assets.json with webpack-isomorphic-tools

thank you very much

catamphetamine commented 8 years ago

FYI I'm posting this in every issue and PR to notify whoever may be interested: today I've released an alternative helper library called universal-webpack. It takes a different approach than webpack-ismorphic-tools and instead of hacking Node.js require() calls it just compiles all code with target: 'node' webpack configuration option. As a result, all Webpack plugins and features are supported. If you think you might need that here's an example project:

kiki-le-singe commented 8 years ago

Ok thanks it is interesting. I'll take a look. In your opinion, what is the better approach to make universal react rendering on server-side with webpack? webpack-isomorphic-tools or universal-webpack?

catamphetamine commented 8 years ago

I would say that if you're starting a new project you may try universal-webpack. Then you can compare it to your past experience and decide what do you like more. universal-webpack has more features (webpack plugins work, etc), therefore I would recommend using it first.

kiki-le-singe commented 8 years ago

Thanks again for your super tools. It works very well :). I made a starter kit which uses it. The Next step is to try universal-webpack.