catfan / Medoo

The lightweight PHP database framework to accelerate the development.
MIT License
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Medoo wrapper #734

Closed aryelgois closed 6 years ago

aryelgois commented 6 years ago

Hello there!

Medoo is fantastic! Way better than dealing with mysqli_* functions or PDO all by myself.

But there is something that was still bothering me.. Having to create the connection everywhere, and having to pass the table name all the time.

So I created a wrapper that reuses the connections and allows me create one class for each table (OOP) real quick :D

Here is the repository:

I even named it to remember Medoo (there is no problem, right?). Medools would be Medoo + models, because the main class works like a model in a MVC pattern.

To take it to the next level, I just finished a router framework based on my wrapper. It makes very easy to create a RESTful APIs, where each resource maps to a model.

There is:

I hope you find it helpful

catfan commented 6 years ago

Great work for that!

It's pleasure to have this wrapper based on Medoo.

But here, the issue board, is the place reporting problem for Medoo project itself. Not a forum. So this kind of post have to be closed.

Anyway, keep up the work.

Hope the best,

aryelgois commented 6 years ago

Yeah, sorry about that

Is there any forum? :3