Describe the Problem
I have a PocketMine-MP Server (for Minecraft bedrock edition) and if I don't restart the server after 6-10 hours (idk the exact time) this error appears:
TypeError: "Return value of Jibix\SecuritySystem\util\Database::getMutedPlayer() must be of the type array or null, bool returned
the function returns a boolean (false) but idk why ._.
(that's not the only function that has this problem after few hours and it still the same error)
If I restart the server then, it works perfectly fine and it returns the desired array.
Detail Code
public function getMutedPlayers(): array {
$array = [];
$result = $this->getMedoo()->select("users", ["name"], ["muted" => true]);
if (count($result) != 0) {
foreach ($result as $item) {
$array[] = $this->getPlugin()->getGroupSystem()->getUtils()->getGroupTag($item);
return $array;
Describe the Problem I have a PocketMine-MP Server (for Minecraft bedrock edition) and if I don't restart the server after 6-10 hours (idk the exact time) this error appears:
TypeError: "Return value of Jibix\SecuritySystem\util\Database::getMutedPlayer() must be of the type array or null, bool returned
the function returns a boolean (false) but idk why ._.
(that's not the only function that has this problem after few hours and it still the same error)
If I restart the server then, it works perfectly fine and it returns the desired array.
Detail Code
Expected output it returns a boolean (false)
Ps: Sorry for my bad English, I come from Germany