cathive / concourse-sonarqube-resource

performs SonarQube analyses and checks quality gates
Apache License 2.0
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Increase sonarqube-qualitygate-check debug information #37

Closed httran13 closed 3 years ago

httran13 commented 5 years ago

Hello, when quality gate checks debug are displayed, they show very little information as in just ok/fail. To increase the level of granularity, i would like to see the rules threshold that was applied and the result from the code analysis.

For example, a pass tests would give

Work directory has been set to: "/tmp/build/e60a1a1f/code-analysis".

QualityGate project status: OK

* Metric "coverage": OK

* Metric "branch_coverage": OK

==> Quality Gate Goals met.

but when failed we have

Work directory has been set to: "/tmp/build/e60a1a1f/code-analysis".

QualityGate project status: ERROR

* Metric "coverage": ERROR

* Metric "line_coverage": ERROR

==> Quality Gate Goals missed!
SimonXming commented 5 years ago

FYI, there is a generic quality-gate resource for Concourse. Ref:

headcr4sh commented 5 years ago

I assume you are talking about the output of the Quality Gate Task container.

Opening an issue in that repo seems like the right approach, I think (the problem you mentioned is not caused by the resource hosted in this repo, as far as I can tell... right?).

(I have to admit though, that the quality gate task repo is also maintained by me. ;-))