I am currently using version 0.9.1 of the resource and when the SonarCloud QualityGate is failed the resource correctly parses the report and fails the build and the report output is visible in the pipeline step's output.
However the issue here is that when the QualityGate is in a passed state it appears that the resource can't find the report and the step fails. The publishing to Sonar is definitely still happening as I have verified via the SonarCloud web UI. When turning debugging logging on the output reads 'SonarQube report could not be located'.
I am using the auto scanner_type for clarification.
I am currently using version 0.9.1 of the resource and when the SonarCloud QualityGate is failed the resource correctly parses the report and fails the build and the report output is visible in the pipeline step's output.
However the issue here is that when the QualityGate is in a passed state it appears that the resource can't find the report and the step fails. The publishing to Sonar is definitely still happening as I have verified via the SonarCloud web UI. When turning debugging logging on the output reads 'SonarQube report could not be located'.
I am using the auto scanner_type for clarification.