cathive / concourse-sonarqube-resource

performs SonarQube analyses and checks quality gates
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maven_settings and maven_settings_file question #64

Closed cyclump closed 3 years ago

cyclump commented 4 years ago

This issue refers to lines 70-90 in assets/out.

I am puzzled by the intent of the maven_settings parameter in the source config. The parameter is captured on line 73. If the value is found in the source config, the value specified is stored in a temp file and the name of the tempfile is stored in maven_settings_file. If it is not specified in the source, it is harvested from the parameters for the step and that value is stored in maven_settings_file.

This presents the same variable with potentially two different types of values.

My question is, when using maven_settings, is that supposed to be something like

- name: code-analysis
  type: sonar-runner
    login: <... token here ...>
    maven_settings: |
        <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
        <settings xsi:schemaLocation="" xmlns=""
                <snapshots />
                <snapshots />

Or is it supposed to just point to a file like

- name: code-analysis
  type: sonar-runner
    login: <... token here ...>
    maven_settings: sonar-source-files/maven_settings.xml
headcr4sh commented 3 years ago

It is supposed to work as mentioned in your first example, thus: maven_settings should contain the complete contents of your maven settings.xml file, whereas maven_settings_file points to the location of your settings file.

headcr4sh commented 3 years ago

You are right, that the documentation is wrong about the order in which both parameters are being evaluated. I think it would be far better to throw an error if both parameters are specified as such a configuration will probably indicate that something is not quite right...