cathydeng /

a resource to help folks w/ juvenile records kick off the expungement process
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need to sort people by age of arrest #20

Closed sharlyngrace closed 10 years ago

cathydeng commented 10 years ago

I'll add age as an explicit question in the question tree.

Q: How old were you when you were arrested? Buttons:

  1. 18 & older
  2. 17 (then ask what year arrested to determine if it was before/after law change)
  3. 16 & under
  4. I don't know/remember

Sharlyn, can you provide the cutoff year for people who were arrested at 17?

sharlyngrace commented 10 years ago

18 and older: "You have an adult record." [Then sort by county of record and give resources. Sharlyn will provide the resources.]

  1. 17: "What year were you arrested? 2009 and earlier --> You have an adult record; sort and give resources 2010 - 2013 ---> Your arrest could be an adult or juvenile record. Continue with the eligibility process or call the help desk at 312-229-6359 with any questions. 2014: You probably have a juvenile record. Continue...
  2. You probably have a juvenile record. Continue...
  3. Give contact info for additional resources (outside Cook County/inside Cook County) For everyone not funneled toward adult resources by age, the next question is" Were you tried as an adult?" If yes - > "Cases tried in adult court are adult records even if you were under age 18. there are still resources for you!" [Send to adult resources sorted by county.]

"Were you in Cook County (including Chicago)?"

sharlyngrace commented 10 years ago

When we direct to resource pages (like other help desks/legal aid in other counties, etc.): Have a "text to myself" and "email to myself" options so people can get the information in a continuously accessible format.

cathydeng commented 10 years ago

here's a flow chart for the pages I'll be inserting at the beginning of the question tree


Sharlyn, can you provide the info for the adult record page?

sharlyngrace commented 10 years ago

This looks good to me, Cathy!

I just emailed you the fliers for the adult expungement help desk in Cook County. Outside Cook County will be the same referrals as juvenile outside Cook: to Land of Lincoln or Prairie State for advice.

ILAO's website on adult sealing and expungement should also be given:

And OSAD's adult information (statewide for Illinois): and self-help expungement FORMS for any county:


cathydeng commented 10 years ago

here's the adult record page I put together:

I didn't put all the info because I didn't know how to organize it & didn't want to overload the page w/ info. If you can suggest wording modifications & additions, I'll add them on.

cathydeng commented 10 years ago

implemented the age questions (but haven't pushed changes to yet - Sharlyn we can review on my laptop tomorrow before I push)

Notes: -I moved the question 'were you tried as an adult?' between & b/c it seems more natural there -I have some questions about the wording on the adultorjuv page

sharlyngrace commented 10 years ago

I like the new placement of the question!

Slightly changed language suggestion: Bring your rap sheet to Cabrini Green Legal Aid's Adult Expungement Help Desk: Daley Center 50 W Washington, Room 1006 Chicago, IL 60602 Mon, Tues, Wed: 9am-12pm Thurs: 9am-12pm & 1pm-4pm *You'll have to arrive at or before 9am/1pm since space is limited.

sharlyngrace commented 10 years ago

Love the link to ILAO on the adult page, too.

sharlyngrace commented 10 years ago

So, for the adult record page, once again, there is different information for inside Cook County and outside. Right now all the info is only for Cook County. We should figure out if we want it all on one page or to ask the "Was your case in Cook County?" question to sort people before giving them adult info.

sharlyngrace commented 10 years ago

Additional resource for "adult record" page: Safe Foundation (link directly to contact page: We work with them a lot.

cathydeng commented 10 years ago
