Open rbonicel opened 3 months ago
Thanks for reporting this issue, DICOMDIR was not tested with this tool. I tried with some data with DICOMDIR structure, and I get the same error as you as expected. While looking deeper in the DICOMDIR file, I found tags that are modified during anonymize step, which are mandatory to keep DICOMDIR readable with pydicom. However some of these tags are common tags to be anonymized as "(0010, 0010) Patient's Name". In my first tries I need to keep these tags intacts in order to read DICOMDIR with pydicom, which I am not happy with (keeping possible identifying data in DICOMDIR is not an option).
I am looking for ways to not breaking DICOMDIR read by pydicom without keeping possibly identifying tags. If you have some informations on that I would appreciate.
I displayed a non modified DICOMDIR with pydicom, and all I get is this list of tags repeated for every file comprised in the exam :
(0020, 0013) Instance Number IS: '16'
(0020, 0032) Image Position (Patient) DS: [-118.30336364216, -119.66196093497, -0.6143950843996]
(0020, 0037) Image Orientation (Patient) DS: [0.99905059784755, -0.0161853599217, 0.04044671883669, 0.01386473288175, 0.99827727444726, 0.05701098582076]
(0020, 0052) Frame of Reference UID UI:
(0028, 0010) Rows US: 256
(0028, 0011) Columns US: 256
(0028, 0030) Pixel Spacing DS: [0.9375, 0.9375]
(0004, 1400) Offset of the Next Directory Record UL: 731446
(0004, 1410) Record In-use Flag US: 65535
(0004, 1420) Offset of Referenced Lower-Level Di UL: 0
(0004, 1430) Directory Record Type CS: 'IMAGE'
(0004, 1500) Referenced File ID CS: ['DICOM', 'IM_0559']
(0004, 1510) Referenced SOP Class UID in File UI: MR Image Storage
(0004, 1511) Referenced SOP Instance UID in File UI:
(0004, 1512) Referenced Transfer Syntax UID in F UI: Explicit VR Little Endian
(0008, 0008) Image Type CS: ['ORIGINAL', 'PRIMARY', 'PROJECTION IMAGE', 'M', 'FFE']
(0008, 0016) SOP Class UID UI: MR Image Storage
(0008, 0018) SOP Instance UID UI:
(0008, 1140) Referenced Image Sequence 3 item(s) ----
(0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: MR Image Storage
(0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:
(0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: MR Image Storage
(0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:
(0008, 1150) Referenced SOP Class UID UI: MR Image Storage
(0008, 1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID UI:
which would make sense to me as from what I understand, DICOMDIR is only used to locate files inside the structure. But if the other useful tags are present as well, it is indeed a problem with the expected behaviour of the anonymizer (I agree about not keeping identifying data in DICOMDIR).
I tried this :
function (from Bidscoiner pipeline can't work properly, because using pydicom and trying to read the corrupted DICOMDIR.dicomsort
to work properly and sort the dicom files as expected, because it probably only focuses on the listed tags above, position-wise.It's a nasty workaround, because I don't have to provide the DICOMDIR in the end, but a cleaner solution would be modifying the tags in DICOMDIR (such as (0010, 0010)) without corrupting the file when it's written, but that might be too troublesome..
Thanks, Robin
I tried to anonymize a whole exam using a DICOMDIR structure. I used the
fuction. It worked properly, not raising the DICOMDIR error in_load_dataset
method of theAnonymizer
class. I then used a bidsapp calling pydicom and itsdcmread
function. It seems that the anonymizer tweaks the DICOMDIR file and makes it unreadable by thedcmread
function.The pydicom error is the following :
I may need to run the anonymizer on sorted dcm files only, but could you tell me if the DICOMDIR structure, the DICOMDIR file wasn't supposed to be kept as it was ?