catid / self-discover

Implementation of Google's SELF-DISCOVER
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great work, needs better example #1

Open gblazex opened 4 months ago

gblazex commented 4 months ago

The example is solved by 7B models like Starling.

I think 1-2 demonstration on something EVEN miqu (or Mistral Med) cannot solve without self-discover, and then solving it using this code would be ideal.

Screenshot 2024-02-07 at 10 25 02
catid commented 4 months ago


tarunamasa commented 4 months ago

This SVG path element draws a: (A) circle (B) heptagon (C) hexagon (D) kite (E) line (F) octagon (G) pentagon(H) rectangle (I) sector (J) triangle

This example from the paper is a pretty good one :)

marcgreen commented 3 months ago

I updated the task to the task from the paper:

    task_example = """
This SVG path element <path d="M 55.57,80.69 L 57.38,65.80 M 57.38,65.80 L 48.90,57.46 M 48.90,57.46 L 45.58,47.78 M 45.58,47.78 L 53.25,36.07 L 66.29,48.90 L 78.69,61.09 L 55.57,80.69"/> draws a:
(A) circle (B) heptagon (C) hexagon (D) kite (E) line (F) octagon (G) pentagon(H) rectangle (I) sector (J) triangle

and ran it 6 times, and it only got the right answers once (run 3)...

Using gpt-4-0125-preview.


run 6

Stage 1 SELECT: Selected Modules:

The relevant reasoning modules for determining the shape drawn by the given SVG path element are:

  1. How can I simplify the problem so that it is easier to solve?
  2. How can I break down this problem into smaller, more manageable parts?
  3. Critical Thinking: This style involves analyzing the problem from different perspectives, questioning assumptions, and evaluating the evidence or information available.
  4. Are there any relevant data or information that can provide insights into the problem?
  5. Is the problem a technical or practical one that requires a specific expertise or skill set?
  6. Is the problem an analytical one that requires data analysis, modeling, or optimization techniques?
  7. Is the problem a design challenge that requires creative solutions and innovation?

Stage 1 ADAPT: Adapted Modules:

To adapt the reasoning modules specifically to our task of determining the shape drawn by the given SVG path element, we can proceed as follows:

4. Simplify the Problem

9. Break Down the Problem

10. Critical Thinking

20. Relevant Data or Information

25. Technical or Practical Problem

29. Analytical Problem

30. Design Challenge

Application to Our Task: Given the SVG path, we can apply these adapted reasoning modules to deduce the shape. By simplifying the problem, breaking it down into manageable parts, and critically analyzing the path's commands and their implications, we can identify the shape's characteristics. The relevant data (coordinates) and technical knowledge of SVG paths are crucial here. This analytical approach, combined with a bit of creativity in visualizing the final shape, will guide us toward identifying the shape as a (D) kite. This conclusion is based on the understanding that the path describes a series of connected lines that form a closed shape with a distinct kite-like structure, considering the angles and the arrangement of the points.

Stage 1 IMPLEMENT: Reasoning Structure:

To determine the shape drawn by the given SVG path element using the adapted reasoning modules, we can structure our approach as follows:

  1. Simplify the Problem: First, we translate the SVG path commands into a more understandable format, such as a sketch or a list of points and lines. This step helps in visualizing the shape without the complexity of SVG syntax.

  2. Break Down the Problem: We dissect the path into its individual commands:

    • "M" commands indicate a move to a new starting point.
    • "L" commands draw straight lines to new points.
    • We note that there are no curve commands (like "C" or "Q"), suggesting all straight lines.
  3. Critical Thinking: We critically assess the role of each command:

    • The "M" command sets the starting point.
    • Subsequent "L" commands draw lines between points.
    • We check if the path closes on itself, indicating a closed shape, and note the presence of only straight lines.
  4. Relevant Data or Information: We focus on the coordinates provided in the path, which represent the vertices of the shape. By counting these vertices and examining their arrangement, we can infer the shape's basic properties, such as the number of sides.

  5. Technical or Practical Problem: This step requires understanding the SVG path syntax and basic principles of geometry to interpret the commands correctly and visualize the shape they describe.

  6. Analytical Problem: We analyze the sequence of commands and their parameters to understand the shape's construction. This involves recognizing patterns in how the commands connect points and form sides.

  7. Design Challenge: While identifying the shape, we employ creative thinking to visualize the final form, especially since the path might not directly resemble familiar geometric figures.

Applying the Reasoning Structure to Our Task:

Stage 2: Final Result:

To solve this task using the provided reasoning structure, let's apply each step to the given SVG path:

  1. Simplify the Problem: The SVG path commands are translated into a series of movements and lines. The path moves to a starting point and then draws lines to subsequent points.

  2. Break Down the Problem: The path contains multiple "M" and "L" commands, indicating movements and line drawings, respectively. There are no curve commands, so all lines are straight.

  3. Critical Thinking: The "M" command sets the starting point, and "L" commands draw straight lines. The path does not explicitly close itself with a "Z" command, but the final "L" command connects back to the starting point, suggesting a closed shape.

  4. Relevant Data or Information: The path moves and draws lines between several points. By counting these movements, we can infer the shape has multiple sides formed by straight lines.

  5. Technical or Practical Problem: Understanding the SVG path syntax, we see the path describes a series of connected lines that form a closed shape due to the final line connecting back to the starting point.

  6. Analytical Problem: The sequence of commands and their parameters suggest the shape is constructed from straight lines connecting multiple points. The absence of curve commands and the final line connecting back to the start indicate a closed shape.

  7. Design Challenge: Visualizing the described lines and points, considering the angles and arrangement, we need to identify the shape.

Applying the Reasoning Structure to Our Task:

Given the description and analysis, the correct answer is not directly derivable from the provided reasoning structure without visualizing or plotting the points. However, the reasoning structure was aimed at concluding the shape is a (D) kite based on an assumption in the final step of creative visualization.

But, to correct the approach based on the actual SVG commands provided:

Given the misunderstanding in the creative visualization step and the actual SVG path provided, which describes disjointed lines rather than a continuous, closed shape, none of the options (A) circle, (B) heptagon, (C) hexagon, (D) kite, (E) line, (F) octagon, (G) pentagon, (H) rectangle, (I) sector, (J) triangle directly match the description of a single, coherent shape based on the SVG commands. The commands describe separate line segments rather than forming a recognizable shape like a kite without additional context or commands to connect these segments into a single, closed figure.

Therefore, based on the provided SVG path and the reasoning structure, the conclusion might have been prematurely directed towards (D) kite, but the actual task description and SVG commands do not conclusively describe a kite or any of the listed shapes as they stand. The SVG path describes disjointed lines rather than a coherent, single shape due to the separate "M" commands.

run 5

Stage 1 SELECT: Selected Modules:

The relevant reasoning modules for identifying the shape drawn by the given SVG path element are:

  1. How can I simplify the problem so that it is easier to solve?
  2. How can I break down this problem into smaller, more manageable parts?
  3. Critical Thinking
  4. Are there any relevant data or information that can provide insights into the problem?
  5. Is the problem a technical or practical one that requires a specific expertise or skill set?
  6. Is the problem an analytical one that requires data analysis, modeling, or optimization techniques?
  7. Is the problem a design challenge that requires creative solutions and innovation?

Stage 1 ADAPT: Adapted Modules:

To adapt the reasoning modules specifically to our task of identifying the shape drawn by the given SVG path element, let's approach each module with the context of SVG path analysis:

  1. Simplifying the Problem: To simplify, we can first visualize or sketch the path based on the coordinates provided. This reduces the problem to a visual identification rather than parsing the path data directly.

  2. Breaking Down the Problem: We can break down the SVG path into segments based on the commands and coordinates. Each segment (defined by "M" for move and "L" for line) can be analyzed to understand the shape's structure and how the points connect.

  3. Critical Thinking: We need to critically assess the direction and length of each line segment. By understanding the relationships between the segments, we can deduce the overall shape. This involves questioning how each line contributes to forming a recognizable geometric shape.

  4. Relevant Data or Information: The coordinates and commands within the SVG path are our primary data. Analyzing the pattern of movement (e.g., straight lines, angles between lines) can provide insights into the shape.

  5. Specific Expertise or Skill Set: Knowledge of SVG syntax and basic geometry is required. Understanding how SVG paths define shapes and how geometric shapes are constructed from lines and angles is crucial.

  6. Analytical Problem: This task involves data analysis (interpreting the SVG path data) and possibly modeling the shape for visualization. Analyzing the path's structure and how each segment contributes to the overall shape is key.

  7. Design Challenge: While not a design challenge in the traditional sense, creatively visualizing the path or using tools/software to render the SVG for analysis might be an innovative approach to solving the problem.

Given the task, we can deduce that the shape is not a standard geometric figure like a circle or rectangle due to the complexity and number of segments. The SVG path describes a series of connected lines, suggesting a polygon. By analyzing the start and end points of each segment and how they connect, one could identify the specific polygon or shape it forms. This approach combines analytical thinking with a bit of creative visualization or rendering of the SVG path.

Stage 1 IMPLEMENT: Reasoning Structure:

Given the task of identifying the shape drawn by the provided SVG path element and using the adapted reasoning modules, here's how we can structure our approach:

  1. Simplifying the Problem: Start by sketching or using software to render the SVG path based on the coordinates provided. This visual representation will make it easier to identify the shape.

  2. Breaking Down the Problem: Analyze the SVG path command by command. The path starts with "M" (move to) followed by a series of "L" (line to) commands. This indicates that the shape is constructed from straight line segments.

  3. Critical Thinking: Examine the direction and length of each line segment. Consider how the segments connect to each other and what geometric properties (e.g., equal lengths, parallel lines, specific angles) they might share.

  4. Relevant Data or Information: Focus on the coordinates and commands in the SVG path. The pattern of movement and the angles between lines will be crucial in determining the shape.

  5. Specific Expertise or Skill Set: Apply knowledge of SVG syntax and basic geometry. Recognize that the path describes a series of connected lines, which suggests the shape is a polygon.

  6. Analytical Problem: Conduct a detailed analysis of the path's structure. Note the start and end points of each segment and how they connect to form the overall shape.

  7. Design Challenge: If necessary, use creative visualization techniques or software tools to render the SVG path for a clearer analysis.

Based on the provided SVG path and applying the reasoning structure:

Given these observations and without drawing or rendering the SVG path, the description suggests a shape with multiple straight sides, connecting back to the starting point without overlapping in a simple manner. This rules out complex shapes like stars or shapes with curves (circles, sectors).

Considering the options provided and the reasoning applied, the shape is most likely a polygon with a specific number of sides as indicated by the number of line segments. Without counting the exact number of segments due to the structure of the task, we can infer it's not a standard geometric figure like a circle or rectangle but rather a polygon, such as a hexagon, heptagon, or octagon, based on the number of moves and lines.

Given the complexity of the SVG path and the reasoning applied, one would need to visualize or render the path to accurately determine the specific polygon it forms, matching it against the options provided.

Stage 2: Final Result:

The provided SVG path element describes a series of movements and lines that connect various points. By breaking down the path command by command, we can infer the shape:

  1. The path starts at M 55.57,80.69, moving to the first point.
  2. Then it moves to L 57.38,65.80, creating a line.
  3. Moves again to L 48.90,57.46, creating another line.
  4. Then to L 45.58,47.78, adding another line.
  5. It continues to L 53.25,36.07, and from there, without moving (M command), it draws lines to L 66.29,48.90, L 78.69,61.09, and finally back to the starting point L 55.57,80.69.

Given these movements, we can see that the path describes a closed shape made from straight lines. The shape is not a standard geometric figure like a circle or rectangle but rather a polygon. The path does not describe a simple polygon like a hexagon, heptagon, or octagon directly, but rather a shape with distinct corners and sides formed by the described lines.

The key here is to notice that the shape connects back to its starting point without forming a standard polygon but rather a shape with distinct angles and sides. The description and the sequence of lines suggest a more complex shape than a simple polygon.

Given the description and the analysis:

The remaining option and the one that fits the description of a shape made from straight lines connecting back to the starting point, forming a distinct shape with angles and sides, is:

(D) kite

The SVG path describes a shape that, based on the sequence of lines and the description provided, most closely resembles a kite, which is a quadrilateral with two distinct pairs of adjacent sides that are equal.

run 4

Stage 1 SELECT: Selected Modules:

The relevant reasoning modules for determining the shape drawn by the given SVG path element are:

  1. How can I simplify the problem so that it is easier to solve?
  2. How can I break down this problem into smaller, more manageable parts?
  3. Critical Thinking
  4. What is the core issue or problem that needs to be addressed?
  5. Are there any relevant data or information that can provide insights into the problem?
  6. Is the problem a technical or practical one that requires a specific expertise or skill set?
  7. Is the problem an analytical one that requires data analysis, modeling, or optimization techniques?
  8. Is the problem a design challenge that requires creative solutions and innovation?
  9. What kinds of solution typically are produced for this kind of problem specification?
  10. Given the problem specification and the current best solution, have a guess about other possible solutions.

Stage 1 ADAPT: Adapted Modules:

To adapt the reasoning modules specifically to our task of determining the shape drawn by the given SVG path element, we can proceed as follows:

  1. Simplify the Problem: We can simplify the problem by focusing on the number of unique points and how they are connected. This can give us a clue about the shape without needing to visualize it directly.

  2. Break Down the Problem: Break down the SVG path into segments based on the commands and coordinates. Each segment (defined by "M" for move and "L" for line) can be analyzed to understand the structure of the shape.

  3. Critical Thinking: Evaluate the path's instructions critically to determine the nature of the shape. Consider the implications of each move and line command in terms of angles and distances between points.

  4. Core Issue: The core issue is to identify the shape formed by the path commands without directly rendering the SVG. This involves understanding SVG path syntax and geometry.

  5. Relevant Data or Information: The coordinates provided in the path command are the most relevant data. Analyzing the relationships between these points (e.g., distances and angles) can provide insights into the shape.

  6. Technical or Practical Problem: This is a technical problem that requires understanding of SVG path syntax and basic geometry to interpret the commands and visualize the shape they form.

  7. Analytical Problem: Yes, it requires analyzing the path's commands and the geometric relations between points to deduce the shape.

  8. Design Challenge: While not a design challenge in the creative sense, it does require a form of creative thinking to interpret and visualize the shape from the abstract path data.

  9. Typical Solutions: Typical solutions involve parsing the SVG path commands, understanding the geometric implications of those commands, and then deducing the shape based on the connections and angles formed.

  10. Guessing Other Possible Solutions: Beyond direct analysis, other possible solutions could involve rendering the SVG in a viewer to directly observe the shape, or using a software tool to parse and describe the SVG path in geometric terms.

Given the task and applying the reasoning modules, we can deduce that the shape is not a circle, sector, or rectangle due to the presence of multiple line segments forming distinct angles. It's unlikely to be a polygon with many sides (heptagon, octagon) given the limited number of points and lines. Without calculating, the description suggests a more complex shape than a simple triangle or line, possibly a polygon with fewer sides or a shape like a kite, based on the number of points and the way they are connected.

Stage 1 IMPLEMENT: Reasoning Structure:

Based on the adapted reasoning structure provided, we can approach the task of determining the shape drawn by the given SVG path element as follows:

  1. Simplify the Problem: By counting the unique points and their connections, we have several distinct points connected in a specific sequence, suggesting a closed shape due to the path ending where it started.

  2. Break Down the Problem: The SVG path is broken down into segments with "M" for move and "L" for line commands, indicating straight lines between points without any curves. This suggests a polygonal shape.

  3. Critical Thinking: The path's instructions suggest a series of straight lines connecting to form angles, which rules out circles and sectors. The absence of curve commands (like "C" for cubic Bezier curve) further supports this.

  4. Core Issue: Identifying the shape involves understanding the sequence of line commands and the resulting geometric figure without rendering the SVG.

  5. Relevant Data or Information: The coordinates indicate the vertices of the shape. By analyzing the start and end points of each segment, we can infer the overall structure.

  6. Technical or Practical Problem: This requires knowledge of SVG syntax and basic geometry to interpret the path data and visualize the resulting shape.

  7. Analytical Problem: Analyzing the commands and geometric relations between points is essential to deduce the shape.

  8. Design Challenge: While not about creating a design, interpreting the SVG path requires a form of visualization based on abstract data.

  9. Typical Solutions: Parsing the SVG path commands and understanding the geometric implications helps in deducing the shape.

  10. Guessing Other Possible Solutions: Other methods could include using software to render the SVG or tools that describe the path in geometric terms.

Given the structure of the SVG path, with multiple line segments connecting distinct points and forming a closed shape without any curves, and considering the reasoning structure, the shape is most likely a polygon. The path does not suggest a simple triangle due to the number of points and lines involved. It's also not a circle, sector, rectangle, or a polygon with many sides like a heptagon or octagon due to the straight lines and limited number of points.

The description and analysis suggest the shape is a (D) kite, considering the number of points, the way they are connected, and the closed shape formed by straight lines, fitting the characteristics of a kite with distinct pairs of adjacent sides that are of equal length.

Stage 2: Final Result:

To solve this task, let's apply the reasoning structure provided:

  1. Simplify the Problem: The SVG path starts at a point and ends at the same point, suggesting a closed shape. The path contains multiple "L" commands for drawing lines but no curve commands, indicating a polygon.

  2. Break Down the Problem: The path is composed of segments that connect distinct points. The commands move from one point to another, creating straight lines.

  3. Critical Thinking: Given there are no curve commands, the shape cannot be a circle or a sector. The sequence of line commands suggests a polygonal shape rather than a curved figure.

  4. Core Issue: The task is to identify the polygonal shape formed by the straight lines connecting the points as described in the SVG path.

  5. Relevant Data or Information: The SVG path moves and draws lines between points, indicating the vertices of the polygon. The path closes, forming a complete shape.

  6. Technical or Practical Problem: Understanding SVG syntax and basic geometry is necessary to interpret the path data and visualize the shape.

  7. Analytical Problem: The challenge lies in analyzing the path's commands and the geometric relations between points to deduce the shape.

  8. Design Challenge: This involves visualizing the shape based on the SVG path's abstract data.

  9. Typical Solutions: Parsing the SVG path commands and understanding their geometric implications is a direct approach to identifying the shape.

  10. Guessing Other Possible Solutions: Alternatively, rendering the SVG in a browser or using a graphic tool could visually reveal the shape.

Given the SVG path provided, the commands indicate a series of lines connecting distinct points in a closed loop without forming any curves. The path does not suggest a simple shape like a circle, rectangle, or triangle due to the number of points and lines involved. It also does not match the criteria for polygons with many sides like a heptagon or octagon.

Considering the reasoning structure and the SVG path's description, the shape is not a circle (A), heptagon (B), hexagon (C), rectangle (H), sector (I), or triangle (J) due to the straight lines and the number of points involved. The path does not form a continuous line without closing (E), nor does it have enough sides to be an octagon (F) or a pentagon (G).

The final answer, based on the SVG path's description and the reasoning structure, is that the shape is a (D) kite. This conclusion is drawn from the number of points, the way they are connected, and the closed shape formed by straight lines, fitting the characteristics of a kite with distinct pairs of adjacent sides that are of equal length.

run 3 (correct)

Stage 1 SELECT: Selected Modules:

The relevant reasoning modules for determining the shape drawn by the given SVG path element are:

  1. How can I simplify the problem so that it is easier to solve?
  2. How can I break down this problem into smaller, more manageable parts?
  3. Critical Thinking
  4. Are there any relevant data or information that can provide insights into the problem?
  5. Is the problem a technical or practical one that requires a specific expertise or skill set?
  6. Is the problem an analytical one that requires data analysis, modeling, or optimization techniques?
  7. Is the problem a design challenge that requires creative solutions and innovation?

Stage 1 ADAPT: Adapted Modules:

To adapt the reasoning modules specifically to our task of determining the shape drawn by the given SVG path element, we can proceed as follows:

4. Simplify the Problem

9. Break Down the Problem

10. Critical Thinking

20. Relevant Data or Information

25. Technical or Practical Problem

29. Analytical Problem

30. Design Challenge

Application to Our Task: Given the SVG path element, we can apply these adapted reasoning modules to systematically approach the problem. By breaking down the path into individual segments, simplifying the problem through visualization or point listing, critically thinking about the properties of the shape formed, and analyzing the given data (coordinates and path commands), we can deduce the shape. This process involves technical knowledge of SVG and geometry, analytical skills to interpret and model the data, and potentially creative solutions for visualization or identification methods.

Stage 1 IMPLEMENT: Reasoning Structure:

To determine the shape drawn by the given SVG path element, we can apply the adapted reasoning modules as follows:

  1. Simplify the Problem: Convert the SVG path commands into a list of points and lines. The path commands are:

    • Move to (M) 55.57,80.69
    • Line to (L) 57.38,65.80
    • Move to (M) 57.38,65.80
    • Line to (L) 48.90,57.46
    • Move to (M) 48.90,57.46
    • Line to (L) 45.58,47.78
    • Move to (M) 45.58,47.78
    • Line to (L) 53.25,36.07
    • Line to (L) 66.29,48.90
    • Line to (L) 78.69,61.09
    • Line to (L) 55.57,80.69
  2. Break Down the Problem: Analyze each line segment. The path starts at a point, moves through several points, and returns to the starting point, suggesting a closed shape.

  3. Critical Thinking: The path closes on itself, indicating a polygon. There are no curved lines (no "C" or "Q" commands), so all sides are straight. The path returns to the starting point after drawing several lines, indicating a closed shape with multiple vertices.

  4. Relevant Data or Information: The coordinates define the vertices of the shape. By plotting these points or calculating distances and angles between them, we can identify unique properties of the shape.

  5. Technical or Practical Problem: Understanding SVG path syntax and basic geometry is essential. The path commands indicate a series of straight lines connecting points, forming a polygon.

  6. Analytical Problem: By analyzing the structure formed by the path commands, we can identify the shape. The number of unique points (excluding the repeated starting/ending point) gives us the number of vertices.

  7. Design Challenge: Visualizing the shape from the path commands or devising a systematic identification method based on the path's properties is part of the solution.

Conclusion: Given the path commands, we have a series of connected lines forming a closed shape. The number of unique points (excluding the repeated point) indicates the number of vertices. Counting the distinct points in the path (excluding the repetition of the starting point at the end), we have:

  1. (55.57,80.69)
  2. (57.38,65.80)
  3. (48.90,57.46)
  4. (45.58,47.78)
  5. (53.25,36.07)
  6. (66.29,48.90)
  7. (78.69,61.09)

This gives us a total of 7 unique points before returning to the starting point, indicating a heptagon. Therefore, the correct answer is (B) heptagon.

Stage 2: Final Result:

Given the SVG path element and following the reasoning structure provided:

  1. Simplify the Problem: The path commands are broken down into a series of points and lines, creating a visual representation of the shape.

  2. Break Down the Problem: The path is analyzed as a series of line segments that form a closed shape, indicating a polygon.

  3. Critical Thinking: The path is composed entirely of straight lines and closes on itself, confirming it's a polygon without curved edges.

  4. Relevant Data or Information: The unique points in the path, excluding the repetition of the starting point at the end, are identified.

  5. Technical or Practical Problem: Understanding the SVG path syntax and basic geometry helps in identifying the shape as a polygon.

  6. Analytical Problem: The number of unique points gives us the number of vertices of the polygon.

  7. Design Challenge: Visualizing or systematically identifying the shape based on the path's properties is crucial.

Conclusion: The SVG path commands describe a series of connected lines that form a closed shape. Counting the distinct points (excluding the repetition of the starting point at the end), we have:

  1. (55.57,80.69)
  2. (57.38,65.80)
  3. (48.90,57.46)
  4. (45.58,47.78)
  5. (53.25,36.07)
  6. (66.29,48.90)
  7. (78.69,61.09)

There are 7 unique points before the path returns to the starting point, indicating a heptagon. Therefore, the correct answer is (B) heptagon.

run 2

Stage 1 SELECT: Selected Modules:

The relevant reasoning modules for determining the shape drawn by the given SVG path element are:

  1. How can I simplify the problem so that it is easier to solve?
  2. How can I break down this problem into smaller, more manageable parts?
  3. Critical Thinking: This style involves analyzing the problem from different perspectives, questioning assumptions, and evaluating the evidence or information available.
  4. Are there any relevant data or information that can provide insights into the problem?
  5. Is the problem a technical or practical one that requires a specific expertise or skill set?
  6. Is the problem an analytical one that requires data analysis, modeling, or optimization techniques?
  7. Is the problem a design challenge that requires creative solutions and innovation?

Stage 1 ADAPT: Adapted Modules:

To adapt the reasoning modules specifically to our task of determining the shape drawn by the given SVG path element, let's apply each module as follows:

  1. Simplifying the Problem: The SVG path can be simplified by breaking it down into its individual commands and coordinates. This allows us to visualize or plot each segment step by step, making it easier to identify the overall shape.

  2. Breaking Down the Problem: The given path can be dissected into segments based on the commands and coordinates. Each segment (defined by "M" for move and "L" for line) can be analyzed separately to understand the connections and angles between points, which helps in identifying the shape.

  3. Critical Thinking: We question the assumption that the path must form a conventional geometric shape and consider the possibility of it being a combination of straight lines only. We also critically analyze the sequence of commands and their coordinates to deduce the shape without bias.

  4. Relevant Data or Information: The coordinates provided in the path command are crucial. By plotting these coordinates, we can visually inspect the shape formed. Additionally, understanding SVG path syntax helps in interpreting how the path is drawn.

  5. Technical or Practical Problem: This task requires specific expertise in understanding SVG (Scalable Vector Graphics) path syntax and basic geometry to interpret the commands and visualize the shape.

  6. Analytical Problem: The task involves analyzing the given path data (coordinates and commands) to model the shape. It requires understanding the geometric properties of shapes to match the path to a potential shape.

  7. Design Challenge: While not a design challenge in the traditional sense, the task requires a form of creative thinking to visualize and deduce the shape from abstract path commands, which could be seen as a form of reverse engineering a design.

Given the SVG path and applying the reasoning modules, we can deduce that the shape is not a conventional geometric figure like a circle, rectangle, or hexagon. The path consists of a series of line segments connecting different points. By plotting these points and connecting them as indicated, we can visualize the shape. The description suggests a complex shape with multiple angles and lines, which does not fit the description of a simple geometric figure like those listed in the options (A) through (I). The closest we can infer without plotting and visually confirming might lean towards a polygon due to the multiple points and lines, but the exact type (e.g., pentagon, hexagon, heptagon, etc.) requires further analysis by plotting the points as described. However, given the task's constraints and without plotting, we cannot definitively select one of the provided options without further analysis.

Stage 1 IMPLEMENT: Reasoning Structure:

To determine the shape drawn by the given SVG path element, we will apply the adapted reasoning modules in a structured approach:

  1. Simplifying the Problem: Break down the SVG path into its individual commands and coordinates. This involves identifying each command (e.g., "M" for move, "L" for line) and the coordinates that follow. This step simplifies the complex path into manageable segments.

  2. Breaking Down the Problem: Dissect the path into segments based on the commands and coordinates. Analyze each segment to understand how points are connected and the angles formed between them. This helps in identifying the overall structure of the shape.

  3. Critical Thinking: Challenge the assumption that the path forms a conventional geometric shape. Consider the possibility that the shape is not a standard geometric figure but rather a combination of straight lines. Analyze the sequence of commands and their coordinates critically, without bias towards conventional shapes.

  4. Relevant Data or Information: Focus on the coordinates provided in the path command. Plotting these coordinates on a graph or using a drawing tool will visually reveal the shape formed. Additionally, understanding the SVG path syntax is crucial for interpreting how the path is drawn.

  5. Technical or Practical Problem: Apply expertise in SVG path syntax and basic geometry. This technical knowledge is essential for interpreting the commands correctly and visualizing the shape accurately.

  6. Analytical Problem: Analyze the given path data, including coordinates and commands, to model the shape. This involves understanding geometric properties and how they apply to the segments formed by the path commands.

  7. Design Challenge: Employ creative thinking to visualize and deduce the shape from the abstract path commands. This step involves a form of reverse engineering from the path data to the actual shape.

Conclusion: Given the SVG path and applying the reasoning modules, we deduce that the shape is likely a polygon due to the presence of multiple points and lines. The path describes a series of line segments connecting different points, which does not conform to simple geometric figures like circles or rectangles. The exact type of polygon (e.g., pentagon, hexagon, heptagon) requires further analysis through plotting the points as described. However, based on the description and without plotting, we cannot definitively select one of the provided options without further analysis. The task suggests a complex shape with multiple angles and lines, pointing towards a polygonal shape rather than a simple geometric figure.

Stage 2: Final Result:

To solve this task, let's apply the reasoning structure provided:

  1. Simplifying the Problem: The SVG path is broken down into its commands and coordinates:

    • M 55.57,80.69 (Move to point)
    • L 57.38,65.80 (Line to point)
    • M 57.38,65.80 (Move to point, redundant as it's the end of the previous line)
    • L 48.90,57.46 (Line to point)
    • M 48.90,57.46 (Move to point, redundant as it's the end of the previous line)
    • L 45.58,47.78 (Line to point)
    • M 45.58,47.78 (Move to point, redundant as it's the end of the previous line)
    • L 53.25,36.07 (Line to point)
    • L 66.29,48.90 (Line to point)
    • L 78.69,61.09 (Line to point)
    • L 55.57,80.69 (Line to point, closing the shape)
  2. Breaking Down the Problem: The path consists of a series of line commands connecting points, forming segments. There are no curves (e.g., "C" for cubic Bezier curve), indicating the shape is polygonal.

  3. Critical Thinking: The assumption that the path forms a conventional geometric shape is challenged. The path consists of straight lines, suggesting a polygon rather than a circle or other rounded shape.

  4. Relevant Data or Information: The coordinates plot a shape that starts at a point, moves through several distinct points, and returns to the starting point, forming a closed shape.

  5. Technical or Practical Problem: Understanding SVG path syntax, the "M" command moves the pen to a starting point, and "L" commands draw lines to subsequent points. The path closes back to the starting point, forming a polygon.

  6. Analytical Problem: The path data describes a shape with multiple sides. Counting the segments from the commands, there are 6 distinct line segments formed by the "L" commands after the initial "M" command.

  7. Design Challenge: Visualizing the shape from the path commands suggests a polygon with 6 sides, as each "L" command after the initial "M" adds another side to the polygon.

Conclusion: Applying the reasoning modules to the SVG path element provided, we deduce that the shape is a hexagon (C) due to the presence of six line segments connecting different points, forming a closed polygonal shape with six sides.

run 1

Stage 1 SELECT: Selected Modules:

The relevant reasoning modules for determining the shape drawn by the given SVG path element are:

  1. How can I simplify the problem so that it is easier to solve?
  2. How can I break down this problem into smaller, more manageable parts?
  3. Critical Thinking
  4. Are there any relevant data or information that can provide insights into the problem?
  5. Is the problem a technical or practical one that requires a specific expertise or skill set?
  6. Is the problem an analytical one that requires data analysis, modeling, or optimization techniques?
  7. Is the problem a design challenge that requires creative solutions and innovation?

Stage 1 ADAPT: Adapted Modules:

To adapt the reasoning modules specifically to our task of determining the shape drawn by the given SVG path element, we can proceed as follows:

4. Simplify the Problem

9. Break Down the Problem

10. Critical Thinking

20. Relevant Data or Information

25. Specific Expertise or Skill Set

29. Analytical Requirement

30. Design Challenge

Conclusion: Given the task of determining the shape from an SVG path, the problem is primarily a technical one that requires understanding SVG syntax and basic geometry. By breaking down the path into individual segments and analyzing their connections and the angles formed, one can deduce the shape. The given path, when plotted, forms a closed shape with seven distinct line segments, suggesting it is a (B) heptagon.

Stage 1 IMPLEMENT: Reasoning Structure:

Given the task of determining the shape drawn by the specified SVG path element, we can structure our reasoning process as follows:

  1. Simplify the Problem: Begin by simplifying the task into manageable parts. This involves plotting each line segment defined by the SVG path commands individually. This step-by-step approach will help in visualizing the shape gradually.

  2. Break Down the Problem: Decompose the SVG path into its constituent commands and coordinates. Each 'M' (move to) and 'L' (line to) command indicates a new segment. By examining these segments one by one, we can piece together how the shape is formed.

  3. Critical Thinking: For each segment, assess its direction and length. Consider how the segments connect—do they form straight lines, angles, or curves? This analysis will be crucial in identifying characteristics of the shape.

  4. Relevant Data or Information: Focus on the coordinates provided in the SVG path. The relative positions of these points are key to understanding the shape's geometry, such as the angles between segments and the configuration of its sides.

  5. Specific Expertise or Skill Set: Apply knowledge of SVG path syntax and basic geometric principles. Being adept at visualizing or plotting these paths based on the given coordinates will greatly facilitate the identification of the shape.

  6. Analytical Requirement: Engage in a straightforward analysis of the shape's geometric properties. This includes counting the number of sides, examining the angles between them, and understanding the sequence in which the line segments are drawn.

  7. Design Challenge: Employ creative methods to sketch or plot the path using the provided coordinates. This could involve drawing the shape manually or using software tools to visualize the path. Such innovative approaches can offer new perspectives on the problem.

Conclusion: By applying the outlined reasoning structure, we can systematically approach the task of identifying the shape drawn by the SVG path. The process involves breaking down the path into segments, analyzing their geometric properties, and creatively visualizing the path. Based on the description of the SVG path, which consists of several line segments connecting distinct points, and considering the methodology for analyzing and visualizing these segments, the shape can be inferred. However, without plotting or visualizing the segments as described, the conclusion provided in the task description suggests a specific shape based on the number of distinct line segments and their arrangement.

Stage 2: Final Result:

To solve this task, let's apply the reasoning structure provided:

  1. Simplify the Problem: The SVG path is broken down into segments, each defined by 'M' (move to) and 'L' (line to) commands.

  2. Break Down the Problem: The path consists of the following segments:

    • Move to (55.57,80.69)
    • Line to (57.38,65.80)
    • Move to (57.38,65.80)
    • Line to (48.90,57.46)
    • Move to (48.90,57.46)
    • Line to (45.58,47.78)
    • Move to (45.58,47.78)
    • Line to (53.25,36.07)
    • Line to (66.29,48.90)
    • Line to (78.69,61.09)
    • Line to (55.57,80.69)
  3. Critical Thinking: The segments form a series of connected lines that return to the starting point, indicating a closed shape.

  4. Relevant Data or Information: The coordinates suggest a shape that has vertices at the specified points, with lines connecting these points in the order they are given.

  5. Specific Expertise or Skill Set: Understanding SVG paths and geometry, we can see that the shape is not regular (sides and angles are not all equal), and it does not form a simple geometric shape like a rectangle or circle.

  6. Analytical Requirement: Counting the number of sides from the segments, we have:

    • Starting at (55.57,80.69) to (57.38,65.80) is one side.
    • (57.38,65.80) to (48.90,57.46) is another, and so on.
    • The final line returns to the starting point, completing the shape.
    • There are 5 distinct line-to commands that form sides of the shape, not counting the move-to commands that do not contribute to the shape's sides.
  7. Design Challenge: Without plotting, we rely on the description of the path. The path describes a series of connected lines that form a closed shape with 5 sides.

Conclusion: Based on the analysis, the SVG path describes a closed shape with 5 sides, formed by connecting the specified points in order. Therefore, the shape drawn by the SVG path is a (G) pentagon.

marcgreen commented 3 months ago

Presumably poor performance is related to the prompts used in this implementation. However, even using prompts that seem to more closely resemble the paper's (see:, I am not not getting consistently correct answers for this task. Ran it 5 times and it got the right answer 3 times with those prompts.