Open parataxia opened 3 years ago
This is quite the edge case that I am not used to but I'll see if I can contribute anything here.
I remember a good few years ago I was running Foobar with all these components on a MacOS via Wine just fine. Would assume that on Linux it were similar but can't confirm.
You are correct when it comes to the IE9 requirement. That really bummed me out back in the day. I'm planning to rewrite major portions of this skin and nearly make a whole new version of it removing all the monolithic code at some point. Would switch over to SpiderMonkey panels for all the JS which I believe would fix the requirement.
If you want to give it a shot yourself: I think you can create new SpiderMonkey panels and then copy the Javascript code from the JScript panels into it. No fingers crossed though that it will work but that would be my first attempt 😄
Any ide a how to make this work with wine-5.22 ? I have all the latest foobar2k components installed as well with my wine install, I seem to have errors with javascript and the panels do not load. (I did install ie8 and many other
packages.) It seems to have errors related to the JS Engine and possibly loading the scripts since there are always errors pertaining to the 1st line of code incorrect....Also, using latest Manjaro and I edited the PKGBUILD of the AUR package
to also make sure it installed in a wine environment with win32.Thank you!
EDIT "JScript Panel: This component requires a system with IE9 or later." Erm, needs IE9 and I don't think winetricks supports it yet.