catppuccin / aliucord

🌜 Soothing pastel theme for Aliucord
MIT License
43 stars 5 forks source link

Long pressing Catppuccin theme message in Aliucord fails to invoke the Plugin Installer #2

Closed midnitefox closed 1 year ago

midnitefox commented 1 year ago

From what I can gather, the Plugin Installer only gets called when the message that is long pressed has a complete Github link. As of right now, that link is intentionally segmented. Perhaps so as to prevent a Github preview from showing in the message.

Recommend that the Github link in the message be changed to this:


This will allow the plugin installer to detect it and it will prevent the Github embedded preview from showing up.

isabelincorp commented 1 year ago

Ah, so for me long pressing works completely fine, but I can't go in and edit the message either way because I don't have the theme pass role.

Personally I think it looks fine, if you mean the catppuccin dot com link being segmented, yea I did that because of embedded links that you can't just get rid of.


In here, long pressing the text works, you were probably long pressing the image, so I'm gonna mark this as won't fix.
