The most recent update of Fleet has added the ability to enable the indent guides in the editor. By default, it looks like those colors are set to a dark blue which doesn't match Catppuccin themes in other editors (like IntelliJ IDEA).
I have tried to match them as closely as possible to how the IntelliJ IDEA Catppuccin theme looks while still using the built-in colors provided by the Python library.
I found the snippet for setting the indent guide colors by setting my theme to Dark Purple and using the action "Edit Color Theme...", in case anyone is interested.
Please let me know what you think!
I have also included a before and after screenshot of the Mocha version below.
The most recent update of Fleet has added the ability to enable the indent guides in the editor. By default, it looks like those colors are set to a dark blue which doesn't match Catppuccin themes in other editors (like IntelliJ IDEA).
I have tried to match them as closely as possible to how the IntelliJ IDEA Catppuccin theme looks while still using the built-in colors provided by the Python library.
I found the snippet for setting the indent guide colors by setting my theme to Dark Purple and using the action "Edit Color Theme...", in case anyone is interested.
Please let me know what you think!
I have also included a before and after screenshot of the Mocha version below.