catppuccin / gtk

🪟 Soothing pastel theme for GTK3/4
GNU General Public License v3.0
900 stars 43 forks source link

GTK3 apps are not resolving the theme when the `-dark` suffix is applied #258

Open OlaoluwaM opened 1 month ago

OlaoluwaM commented 1 month ago

Is there an existing issue outlining your problem?

Describe the bug.

Some gnome apps are no longer themed with the latest release. These apps were themed in the past release, though

Attach screenshots.

Latest Release:



Previous Release:



How did you install the theme?

From release (manual installation)

Are you running the latest release, and if not does the issue persist there?

If using GTK4, have you symlinked the "gtk-4.0" folder?

What GNOME version are you seeing the bug on?

GNOME Shell 46.2

Any additional comments?

Everything else looks good. Great work!

isabelroses commented 1 month ago

Can you check if this issue is any similar to

OlaoluwaM commented 1 month ago

No, it doesn't seem related. The symlinks look correct:

total 28K
drwx------. 1 olaolu olaolu  100 May 28 07:01 .
drwxr-xr-x. 1 olaolu olaolu 1012 May 28 06:37 ..
lrwxrwxrwx. 1 olaolu olaolu   87 May 28 07:01 assets -> /home/olaolu/.local/share/themes/catppuccin-mocha-lavender-standard-dark/gtk-4.0/assets
lrwxrwxrwx. 1 olaolu olaolu   88 May 28 07:01 gtk.css -> /home/olaolu/.local/share/themes/catppuccin-mocha-lavender-standard-dark/gtk-4.0/gtk.css
lrwxrwxrwx. 1 olaolu olaolu   93 May 28 07:01 gtk-dark.css -> /home/olaolu/.local/share/themes/catppuccin-mocha-lavender-standard-dark/gtk-4.0/gtk-dark.css
-rw-r--r--. 1 olaolu olaolu   47 May 28 06:56 settings.ini
lrwxrwxrwx. 1 olaolu olaolu   94 May 28 07:01 thumbnail.png -> /home/olaolu/.local/share/themes/catppuccin-mocha-lavender-standard-dark/gtk-4.0/thumbnail.png
isabelroses commented 1 month ago

Do you know whether the applications are gtk2 or later, since we no longer support gtk2.

OlaoluwaM commented 1 month ago

Hmm, Is there a way to check? The affected applications seem to be those installed by default by Fedora

OlaoluwaM commented 1 month ago

ldd says that these apps are gtk-3 apps:

ldd /usr/bin/evince | rg gtk => /lib64/ (0x00007fe264200000)
ldd /usr/bin/dconf-editor | rg gtk => /lib64/ (0x00007fc55a000000)
nullishamy commented 1 month ago

image Themed for me on Fedora Workstation :thinking:

nullishamy commented 1 month ago

Testing seems to indicate evince is a GTK3 application too, for context. It is affected by gnome-tweaks' Legacy Applications option.

nullishamy commented 1 month ago

Can you ls -lah /home/olaolu/.local/share/themes/catppuccin-mocha-lavender-standard-dark to see what's in the symlink target?

OlaoluwaM commented 1 month ago

Hmm, it does work, but only if you execute the apps directly from the terminal. Try launching them as regular GUI apps and you'll see what I mean.

ls -lah /home/olaolu/.local/share/themes/catppuccin-mocha-lavender-standard-dark

total 4.0K
drwxr-xr-x. 1 olaolu olaolu  128 May 27 19:25 .
drwxr-xr-x. 1 olaolu olaolu  512 May 28 06:48 ..
drwxr-xr-x. 1 olaolu olaolu   62 May 27 19:25 cinnamon
drwxr-xr-x. 1 olaolu olaolu   64 May 27 19:25 gnome-shell
drwxr-xr-x. 1 olaolu olaolu   76 May 27 19:25 gtk-3.0
drwxr-xr-x. 1 olaolu olaolu   76 May 27 19:25 gtk-4.0
-rw-r--r--. 1 olaolu olaolu  378 May 27 18:03 index.theme
drwxr-xr-x. 1 olaolu olaolu   78 May 27 19:25 metacity-1
drwxr-xr-x. 1 olaolu olaolu   20 May 27 19:25 plank
drwxr-xr-x. 1 olaolu olaolu 2.4K May 27 19:25 xfwm4

I tried copying the contents of /home/olaolu/.local/share/themes/catppuccin-mocha-lavender-standard-dark/gtk-3.0 to ~/.config/gtk-3.0 and the result is this 🥲:


OlaoluwaM commented 1 month ago

Testing seems to indicate evince is a GTK3 application too, for context. It is affected by gnome-tweaks' Legacy Applications option.

As a workaround, I'll use the previous release for the "Legacy Applications" option in gnome-tweaks for now

nullishamy commented 1 month ago

image Works fine when launching from the app launcher to for me. I suspect your GNOME/GTK environment vars are not being set correctly

OlaoluwaM commented 1 month ago

image Works fine when launching from the app launcher to for me. I suspect your GNOME/GTK environment vars are not being set correctly

which envs would you suspect?

OlaoluwaM commented 1 month ago

I have the GTK_THEME env set btw

nullishamy commented 1 month ago

Was testing something unrelated, discovered our new builds are failing to theme GTK3 for whatever reason. Can repro, but only for GTK3 apps. It's related to the -dark suffix we apply to builds to get GTK4 to play nice.

nullishamy commented 1 month ago

You can revert to rc5 in the meantime, that should work.

OlaoluwaM commented 1 month ago


OlaoluwaM commented 1 month ago

Changing the current release name to use -Dark instead of -dark works too btw

nullishamy commented 1 month ago

Yeah, cool. What a ridiculous system. If the linked PR has no other issues we can close this one out, thanks for testing :+1:

sgoudham commented 1 month ago

FWIW, Pop OS has weird behaviour for both the -dark and -Dark suffixes that I've documented in

@nullishamy and I will probably have to create a or something similar to point people towards to since it seems like each distro has it's own set of quirks which the end user sees when installing the theme.

Dracula GTK users also experience this on Pop OS so we know it's a distro specific issue ->

Hazzatur commented 1 month ago

In case anyone else needs it, I changed gtk-theme-name=Catppuccin-Mocha-Standard-Blue-Dark to gtk-theme-name=catppuccin-mocha-blue-standard+default-dark in my .config/gtk-3.0/settings.ini and .config/.gtkrc-2.0

Using EndeavourOS + Qtile

wiraki commented 1 month ago

Indeed, having the same problem on Pop_OS.

It seems to me that with a previous version I did not have this problem, although I did have to use the -dark trick (known since 2021 from here, an issue on the Nordic GTK theme). But then all apps where themed properly, like evince, or tweaks itself. I don't remember which version it was, though. In any case, I am not sure that the GTK3 apps not theming has to do with the -dark suffix.

Speaking of in the past, how do they work around it?

It is unclear, given #262, whether to wait for a fix. I wish I could contribute but I don't have the skills.