catppuccin / jetbrains

🧠 Soothing pastel theme for JetBrains IDEs
MIT License
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Navigation graph destinations are impossible to see #51

Open wetfloo opened 1 year ago

wetfloo commented 1 year ago

Theme version: 2.0.8

Happens in light and dark themes (screenshots 1 and 2), doesn't happen with other themes (XCode, Darcula on screenshots 3, 4)

Screenshot 2023-02-07 222828 Screenshot 2023-02-07 222914 Screenshot 2023-02-07 222947 Screenshot 2023-02-07 223015

Destinations become visible when hovered or clicked on, though: image

nekowinston commented 1 year ago

I'll give this a shot, thanks for the screenshots.

nekowinston commented 1 year ago

I had a look at this for a while today, I'm absolutely clueless on how to fix this. Half of the LaF colors don't change a thing in Android Studio, and there is barely any customization documented besides UIDesigner.Panel.background & UIDesigner.Panel.foreground, and those don't even work.

Would appreciate if anyone else could pick this up, I gave it a go. Since I don't use Android Studio, I can't really spend any more time on this.