catppuccin / kde

🌻 Soothing pastel theme for KDE
MIT License
383 stars 21 forks source link

Possible helpful resource #36

Closed perigoso closed 1 year ago

perigoso commented 1 year ago

From what I saw this was one of the more troublesome ports, with licensing issues in the mix, though I see that has been dealt with.. Either way, I thought I should drop this project here, in case the maintainers are not aware of it, it can be a helpful resource, it's a couple of KDE theming bits using the Catppuccin palette, by jomada (author of some great themes like Moe/MoeDark), licensed with MIT

Sourcastic commented 1 year ago

Yup, we are aware of those themes as well. The problem is the bit that's GPL in our theme is the QtWidgets theme, aka the Plasma Theme. Itchy and Scratchy don't have custom plasma themes and just use default breeze. We wanted to package a plasma theme, but doing so caused some problems that led us to modify it.

And of course, we already have everything else they have too.

perigoso commented 1 year ago

Fair, I am not aware of the intricacies of the problem, just wanted to make sure it was known