catppuccin / kde

🌻 Soothing pastel theme for KDE
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Theme metadata / installer need a KF6 port #52

Closed dinckelman closed 3 months ago

dinckelman commented 4 months ago

At the moment, practically nothing in the repo builds for Plasma 6, despite it supporting Qt6 styles. A new packaging and metadata format have been introduced, with a porting procedure described here

Sourcastic commented 4 months ago

Thank you for bringing this up, I wasn't aware the changes would be breaking.

I'll try to work on this in my spare time and port it to kde6 some time in the near future!

pluiedev commented 4 months ago

Just switched to Plasma 6 and was a bit bummed that the theme didn't work OOTB — might look into porting it myself soon-ish

Sourcastic commented 4 months ago

@pluiedev I'll add the work I've done so far to the dev branch. It mostly consists of adding metadata.json to everything. What's left is adapting the script. There are some problems in the global theme dependencies though, as it imports the old plasma5 aurorae theme for now. It will likely have to involve adding the ported aurorae theme to the store.

Any suggestions and help are welcome :).

Sourcastic commented 4 months ago

For now, it'd be greatly appreciated if someone could test the updated aurorae theme. All you'll need to do is clone the repo, shift to the dev branch and see if copying anything from Resources/Aurorae to ~/.local/share/aurorae/themes works?

dinckelman commented 4 months ago

Just tried it out on RC2. With some manual intervention, the decorations load seemingly correctly.

Since the installer is not there yet, Catppuccin-Modernrc from common has to be manually placed in the theme folder, and renamed CatppuccinMacchiato-Modernrc, for example. Otherwise the theme defaults to Plastik entirely

Quick pr for a missing file

Sourcastic commented 4 months ago

Great, it does somewhat work then. I'll see if we can get that on the kde store (or otherwise have the script install it manually).

Also thank you for the PR, missed that file by mistake.

dinckelman commented 4 months ago

No problem. I've found some time to take a look at the install script in the meantime. Should be good to go soon, or otherwise I'll just create a pr for what I got working

dinckelman commented 4 months ago

Script patch ready for review

KeebCat commented 4 months ago

Hi, I'd be curious on if the theme actually works for Plasma 6 now? Judging by the pull request it seems to be like 95% of the way there, but not quite?

Sourcastic commented 4 months ago

You're right, it is 95% of the way there. I just want to get splashes working first. (I've been a bit busy, but it should work by today or tomorrow) and then I'll be willing to merge it. It's better to have most, if not all of the previous functionality working.

Sourcastic commented 3 months ago

I've just merged #58, if anyone could test out the install script in its entirety, that'd be great. Things to look out for here are the splash screen should work and also not appear in the global theme settings page.

After this, I think all our work is done unless there are any other suggestions.

KeebCat commented 3 months ago

Didn't automatically apply when I told it to automatically apply. When I chose modern window decorations that didn't appear in my KDE config, although after a second attempt with classic it did seem to work, but I'm not quite sure as I couldn't uninstall the previous decorations and there's still some sort of bug where on an unfocused window only the maximize/minimize button actually lights up in color, despite the corresponding icon appearing while hovering. The cursor seems to work, which it didn't before, so that's good at least. I can't uninstall the old splash screens as System Settings tells me they were manually deleted (likely during the Plasma 6 switch, as from what I can tell the directory for them was changed?) and at the same time there are no new splash screens appearing after the install, the only one I can choose is Breeze. And there's no login screen at all, which I'm pretty sure was a thing before, but maybe I was using one from another theme, I'm not quite sure.

System Info Distro EndeavourOS DE KDE Plasma 6 Notes Had a previous install of Catppuccin, which I can't entirely delete for some reason

Edit: If you need any more info, I'm happy to provide it, just tell me what you'd like to know About the install log though... I cleared that already. I can install it again if that'd help.

Sourcastic commented 3 months ago

@KeebCat Hmm, just to make sure, you used the install script in the dev branch, right?

KeebCat commented 3 months ago

Oh, I... didn't pay attention to that. Sorry, will try again!

KeebCat commented 3 months ago

Alright, works perfectly fine on EndeavourOS Plasma 6 x11, including the splash screen. There's a weird quirk where the cursor reverts to default on KDE applications like Konsole and System Settings, and while hovering over the desktop/panels, but I don't know if that's intended behavior or not.

Note: I did log out and back in and also created the link that was suggested for inconsistent cursor behavior.

Bartus-OwO commented 3 months ago

For me also works perfectly fine on Arch Linux Plasma 6 x11 and also have issue with cursor where cursor reverts to default on some apps and while hovering over the desktop. I fixed cursors with installing cursors from get new in cursor settings.

Sourcastic commented 3 months ago

Oh, I... didn't pay attention to that. Sorry, will try again!

No problem, I should've made that clear.

Alright, works perfectly fine on EndeavourOS Plasma 6 x11, including the splash screen. There's a weird quirk where the cursor reverts to default on KDE applications like Konsole and System Settings, and while hovering over the desktop/panels, but I don't know if that's intended behavior or not.

Note: I did log out and back in and also created the link that was suggested for inconsistent cursor behavior.

Great!! That means everything is working as intended. The cursor weirdness is a KDE issue. As for the splash screen, that should be in ~/.local/share/plasma/look-and-feel and then they should be within one of the theme folders or have their own. Similarly, the aurorae themes should be in ~/.local/share/aurorae if you wanna delete that. No idea how the plasma 6 transition affects that.

Sourcastic commented 3 months ago

For me also works perfectly fine on Arch Linux Plasma 6 x11 and also have issue with cursor where cursor reverts to default on some apps and while hovering over the desktop. I fixed cursors with installing cursors from get new in cursor settings.

Hm, the cursor weirdness existed prior too, but it not doing that on the "Get New Stuff" button is interesting. Perhaps it runs the ln command or something? Because that and a restart usually fixes it.

Sourcastic commented 3 months ago

Well, I don't see anything here that isn't intentional. I'll work on trying to make a release for everything in the main branch and then merging the dev branch. Tysm everyone!

dinckelman commented 3 months ago

For me also works perfectly fine on Arch Linux Plasma 6 x11 and also have issue with cursor where cursor reverts to default on some apps and while hovering over the desktop. I fixed cursors with installing cursors from get new in cursor settings.

Hm, the cursor weirdness existed prior too, but it not doing that on the "Get New Stuff" button is interesting. Perhaps it runs the ln command or something? Because that and a restart usually fixes it.

I imagine that's an issue with how the cursor and icon cache works, which would make sense, if a session restart fixes it. I've not experienced this issue on Wayland personally

Sourcastic commented 3 months ago

Yup, that's likely what it is. Nothing we can do about that, unfortunately.

Cequallium commented 3 months ago

just installed it on plasma 6, seems to be working perfectly