catppuccin / minecraft

⛏️ Soothing pastel theme for Minecraft
MIT License
244 stars 4 forks source link

Fixes, added some missing textures and added support for some mods #9

Closed JustLetterV closed 1 year ago

JustLetterV commented 1 year ago
ghostx31 commented 1 year ago

@mvilk are you in the catppuccin discord? We wish to add you as another maintainer in the minecraft repo. The main maintainer @Aurn1ox initially intended this repo to be for Minecraft 1.19.2 but since you're adding support for 1.19.3, some stuff breaks in the previous versions and Aurniox would like to discuss as strategy to support both the versions. Let me know if you can join the discord.

JustLetterV commented 1 year ago

Hi @ghostx31 yeah, I am in catppuccin discord. My discord is Ville#5213

ghostx31 commented 1 year ago

Cool! I've added you to the minecraft project thread.