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Importing Home Manager creates a conflicts with Hyprland (even disabled) #268

Closed DeltaCircuit closed 3 days ago

DeltaCircuit commented 4 days ago


"locked": {
"lastModified": 1719758387,
"narHash": "sha256-bMaI1jJNzIZar4TP/hhoPQROqqcbD6zT6O+sqIJdp8c=",
"owner": "catppuccin",
"repo": "nix",
"rev": "9eb0610d48dd0e1fecf772bbdacf9050d7b82d7c",
"type": "github"
"original": {
"owner": "catppuccin",
"repo": "nix",
"type": "github"

And imported the home manager module as


I'm using Sway and not enabled Hyprland and yet, when I try to import the HM module, it throws an error like below.


What am I missing?

getchoo commented 3 days ago

i would need more context here. i'm guessing that this module was either not imported under your home-manager user, or you're using a very outdated version of home-manager that doesn't include support for hyprland

DeltaCircuit commented 3 days ago

@getchoo I'm on the latest home-manager. For reference, here's the flake input and I'm importing HM module here. This definitions is added to the home-manager user here

getchoo commented 3 days ago

@DeltaCircuit i'm fairly sure this is a known conflict with hyprland-nix - which you use here. this was previously discussed in, along with a workaround at the end of this comment

if it doesn't work out for you or i'm wrong here, feel free to re-open :)

DeltaCircuit commented 3 days ago

@getchoo thanks for the response! I didn't see the previous issue, and yes both are same.

But even after commenting out the module, it's still persists. Any clue what's going on here?

The current import / disable looks like this

imports = [

disabledModules = [
  "${inputs.catppuccin}/modules/home-manager/hyprland.nix" # This didn't work
  "${inputs.catppuccin.outPath}/modules/home-manager/hyprland.nix" # This didn't work either

I think I'm missing something very silly, could you help me out here? I'm still taking baby steps on Nix / NixOS.