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Better markdown support? #102

Closed velllu closed 2 years ago

velllu commented 2 years ago

On gruvbox-material if I do # the next text is red, if I do ## the next text is orange, then yellow and green... Can we have the same with catppucin?

pocco81 commented 2 years ago


velllu commented 2 years ago

That was a fast reply! Have you already added it? I tried the dev branch with "Plug 'catppuccin/nvim', { 'branch': 'dev' }" but it didn't work

pocco81 commented 2 years ago

Should be working just fine on either branch by just enabling the markdown integration in Catppuccin's settings :)

velllu commented 2 years ago

It doesn't appear to be working for me, this is my config:

---@class Config
local config = {}

config.options = {
    transparent_background = false,
    term_colors = false,
    styles = {
        comments = "italic",
        functions = "italic",
        keywords = "italic",
        strings = "NONE",
        variables = "italic",
    integrations = {
        treesitter = true,
        native_lsp = {
            enabled = true,
            virtual_text = {
                errors = "italic",
                hints = "italic",
                warnings = "italic",
                information = "italic",
            underlines = {
                errors = "underline",
                hints = "underline",
                warnings = "underline",
                information = "underline",
        lsp_trouble = false,
        cmp = true,
        lsp_saga = false,
        gitgutter = false,
        gitsigns = true,
        telescope = true,
        nvimtree = {
            enabled = true,
            show_root = false,
            transparent_panel = false,
        which_key = false,
        indent_blankline = {
            enabled = true,
            colored_indent_levels = false,
        dashboard = true,
        neogit = false,
        vim_sneak = false,
        fern = false,
        barbar = false,
        bufferline = true,
        markdown = true,
        lightspeed = false,
        ts_rainbow = false,
        hop = false,
        notify = true,
        telekasten = true,

function config.set_options(opts)
    opts = opts or {}
    config.options = vim.tbl_deep_extend("force", config.options, opts)

return config

but it's the same thing, I have updated the plugin

pocco81 commented 2 years ago

Perhaps you are using the treesitter parser for markdown?

velllu commented 2 years ago

Even if I comment out treesitter it doesn't work