catppuccin / nvim

🍨 Soothing pastel theme for (Neo)vim
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Project rebranding: needing name suggestions #46

Closed pocco81 closed 2 years ago

pocco81 commented 2 years ago

As it was discussed under #44, one of the objectives was to create an org. The project has been growing so much, not only in stars, but also in users. ATM the most accurate way I know how to get this number is by searching in all of github for catppuccino (because the name is unique enough) and writing down the amount of times it has been mentioned.

People actually love this, that's why we are creating an org for it.

I thought the name was original enough when I first came up with it, but unfortunately it seems like it wasn't. It sucks a lot to say this but we need to rebrand the project because of this. Of course this won't stop the still ongoing development, however the faster we rebrand the project the easier it will be to update the codebase now that it is so small. Doing this further down the road will disrupt web searches, delay deployments, but most importantly, affect active users negatively.

With that said, feel free to leave name suggestions below :)

Conditions (maybe?)

Since we now have the freedom to choose a name more keen and inline to the current objectives/color palette I think it'd be good to start from there. The only conditions I'd put for the name would be:

Feel free to ignore what I just said, just properly justify yourself :)

pocco81 commented 2 years ago

Possible topics


Possible names

Following Catppuccino's trend...


luissolanodev commented 2 years ago

Hey! Katppuccino feels good! a couple that come to my mind:

*Yukatccino, or Yukatte: A cat with a yukata and a coffee (cappuccino or latte) image

pocco81 commented 2 years ago

My three favorites are:

I'm voting for Katpuccino❤️ ⁽⁽ଘ( ˊᵕˋ )ଓ⁾⁾

Edit: you know what? if Katpuccino's logo ends up being a cat we are going to name it Yuka in honor of what could have been "Yukatccino".

luissolanodev commented 2 years ago

Yeii I agree with that Edit, I'm voting for katppuccino too ❤️. Can't we name the cat just Yu? or you think it's too short?

pocco81 commented 2 years ago

or you think it's too short?

Perhaps... Ok then, let's brainstorm again! Yum? Yun? Yuni? Yuri? Yera? Yentl? Yoko? Yumi?

luissolanodev commented 2 years ago

I stick with Yuka then! it's not that I didn't like it :3

pocco81 commented 2 years ago

So, I'm not sure about the name, yet again... I don't know, I like it but it feels like we were overthinking it a lot. Talking with some friends they proposed some names and we ended up coming up with:

They "radiate" the same energy as Catppuccino and name availability is perfect/near perfect for all of them.

Thoughts? @cwebster2 @LuisxSullivaN @NTBBloodbath @mrjones2014

Edit: not sure if I should clarify this, but I'm talking about the project's name, not the name of the mascot/logo/whatever; that one is cool already ;)

mrjones2014 commented 2 years ago

To me Puccie sounds/looks too much like, uhh, a different word 👀

I like Spacecat suggested by @LuisxSullivaN

pocco81 commented 2 years ago

The name is cool and all, but personally I feel like SpaceCat is too generic. Like compared to Gruvbox, Monokai, Ayu, Palenight, ... All those are more brandable names. More unique if you will.

And yeah, about Puccie... Hadn't thought about that LOL.

cwebster2 commented 2 years ago

I like katppuccino

mrjones2014 commented 2 years ago

Yeah I think katppuccino is the lowest-cost change and still keeps the same vibe.

pocco81 commented 2 years ago

Ok then, if the idea is to keep the same vibe then what about Catppuccin? @mrjones2014 @cwebster2

It's closer to the original Catppuccino than Katppuccino, isn't it?

mrjones2014 commented 2 years ago

They're both one letter off. I personally prefer Katppuccino, but I've got no dog in this fight, so to speak, I've started using my own theme lighthaus.nvim about a month ago.

redxtech commented 2 years ago

Ok then, if the idea is to keep the same vibe then what about Catppuccin? @mrjones2014 @cwebster2

It's closer to the original Catppuccino than Katppuccino, isn't it?

I don't think that this would fit as well. Your goal with the name catppuccino is a warm and cozy vibe, right? I think that is conveyed well with the cats and warm coffee name.

Catpuccin sounds more like monkeys, and don't get me wrong, I do love my monkeys, but I'm not sure how well it fits.

My vote is for Katppuccino., it seems the closest to the original, which was already a good name I think.

cwebster2 commented 2 years ago

If you still want Cat (with a C) and coffee, you could drop the milk and go for a Catspresso.

mattleong commented 2 years ago


(jk, don't pick that one 😅)

pocco81 commented 2 years ago

@mattleong I did lol.

(jk, I'm putting that as a placeholder tho)

luissolanodev commented 2 years ago

haha what about Catppuccin0

pocco81 commented 2 years ago

Oh if we add numbers to the equation then we better go with:



hackorum commented 2 years ago

I vote for Yakuatte