catppuccin / obsidian

💎 Soothing pastel theme for Obsidian
MIT License
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Catppuccin 0.2.0 #15

Closed nekowinston closed 1 year ago

nekowinston commented 1 year ago

Hi there 👋 Thanks for your work on this port of Catppuccin!

Just want to check in and ask if there is an update to the 0.2.0 spec in the pipeline, or if it is something where help is needed.

I've had a look at the repo structure, and it seems that abstracts/_colors.scss is not used at all?

It also seems that #14 introduced a discrepancy between .theme-dark and .theme-light:

Wouldn't it be possible to use a combined selector .theme-dark, .theme-light {} instead?

I've got quite a bit on my personal Catppuccin To-do list already, so I essentially just want to get the conversation regarding the update started.

mbeckrich commented 1 year ago

I'll revisit the theme this week. I haven't been using Obsidian much recently, so the theme hasn't gotten the time it deserves. If memory serves, there was a reason I had kept light and dark separated, but can't remember exactly why. Maybe Obsidian asks its theme creators to do that? Not sure, but will investigate and combine if allowed. Thanks for reaching out.

nekowinston commented 1 year ago

I forgot to mention two things:

The isLatte shorthand is super useful since Latte is pretty much guaranteed to look off, when just using the same colour names across all flavours.

mbeckrich commented 1 year ago

Awesome, thanks! I updated the colors last night, so the theme should now be compliant with the most recent Mocha palette. I still need to cleanup and organize the scss files and I have a massive list of little visual annoyances I need to work on.

I've forked your demo repo and will give it a go. Unless something has changed with the way Obsidian works, it can by default only alternate between a light and dark theme. A few of the bigger themes have their own settings plugins to adjust color palette easily, but that's probably a longer term project for me. In the meantime, I should be able to rig something up that allows for easy switching using the Style Settings plugin. Or I can create snippets for the palettes that users can toggle on/off in Appearance -> Settings. Let me know if you have a preference/other ideas.

mbeckrich commented 1 year ago

Update: I've asked the Obsidian Discord what their preferred method of incorporating multiple palettes into a theme is. Right now, the feedback I'm getting is that this plugin is the best way to go. As long as there are no objections and Style Settings works with 0.16.0, I will incorporate the non-Mocha palettes into the plugin while I work on the 0.16.0 update #16. I understand this creates some friction for users wanting to access all the palettes, so I will give detailed instructions for the plugin's use in the readme and hopefully there will be a better solution at some point.