catppuccin / obsidian

💎 Soothing pastel theme for Obsidian
MIT License
342 stars 15 forks source link

Style Settings compatibility #2

Open mbeckrich opened 2 years ago

mbeckrich commented 2 years ago

Add compatibility with mgmeyers' Style Settings plugin.

mbeckrich commented 2 years ago

Initial support added in 55a249de3820fb5d6fa91568f545237e61a5347e.

mbeckrich commented 1 year ago

Initial support for Obsidian 1.0-compatible theme now up with

mbeckrich commented 1 year ago

File name color can now be changed and file names/headings are broken out into their own section of the plugin so that they can be found more easily in

mbeckrich commented 1 year ago

Icons added by the theme (currently includes those for folders in the file navigation sidebar) can now be hidden using the Style Settings plugin in