catppuccin / obsidian

💎 Soothing pastel theme for Obsidian
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typo: fixes macciato source image url typo from issue #21 #22

Closed eval-u8 closed 1 year ago

eval-u8 commented 1 year ago

This is my first contribution (ever) so if my PR has something wrong or bad or it can be done better, please let me know. I'd like to get better at this. Thanks!

mbeckrich commented 1 year ago

You did great. :) Thanks!

mbeckrich commented 1 year ago

Oops, I didn't look closely enough before merging -- the misspelling was in the image folder itself, where the file was misspelled as 'macciato.' Fixed in

eval-u8 commented 1 year ago

Oh! I thought it was a misspell 😅

mbeckrich commented 1 year ago

Oh! I thought it was a misspell 😅

It was, but the misspelling was in the assets folder with the actual filename not the URL in the readme (if I understand correctly. Or maybe they were both wrong?), so the wrong spelling was changed in this PR. (Or maybe I've misunderstood all of this -- either way, everything seems to be working now.) You did the PR process perfectly though!

eval-u8 commented 1 year ago
