catppuccin / obsidian

💎 Soothing pastel theme for Obsidian
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Vim Block Cursor Issues #29

Closed Shylexx closed 1 year ago

Shylexx commented 1 year ago


I am having some issues with the block cursor with the vim bindings enabled, it appears almost invisible besides some slight flickering on the hovered character since the latest release, my older vaults using release 0.2.2 seem to be working fine but 0.2.8 appears to be having the issue. Hopefully this is alright to leave here and not being repeated, couldn't see anything about it elsewhere so I thought i'd leave it here.

mbeckrich commented 1 year ago

Hey, absolutely fine to post here and appreciate the heads up. I'm got vim mode on now and do see some broken stuff. I'll try to get a quick fix out. It may not matter, but are you using one of the Style Setings accent versions or the default palette?

mbeckrich commented 1 year ago

Update: So, the "broken stuff" I thought I saw was that I couldn't style the css of the cursor and thought maybe I had a specificity issue. However, some googling makes it seem like the css in the app theme is outdated (or for older versions of the app): and that the only thing that can be styled now is caret-color.

Currently, for me, the block cursor flashes lavender over the text in the default palette and responds to changes in the --ctp-accent: variable. I've tried a couple of the Style Settings accents and everything seems to work about as expected there. The only thing I notice is that if I tab out, the block cursor becomes an empty red rectangle, but I assume that's supposed to happen? (Sorry, more of an emacs guy :p)

I'll look around a little more, but if you could get a gif/image of the issue, that would be awesome. Thanks!

plimeor commented 1 year ago

@mbeckrich I have the same problem. I found that --ctp-accent does not exists in my Obsidian.

🧐 Where do these --ctp-* variables come from?

CleanShot 2022-11-08 at 14 18 07@2x
mbeckrich commented 1 year ago

@mbeckrich I have the same problem. I found that --ctp-accent does not exists in my Obsidian.

🧐 Where do these --ctp-* variables come from?

CleanShot 2022-11-08 at 14 18 07@2x

They're created here: and found in the theme.css file if you cmd/ctrl+f for /* ------------------Selecting Accents------------------- */.

I found the issue -- something was changed in 0.2.8 that made Style Settings required for the default palette to work. (Not intentional.) I did catch this until just now when I checked Obsidian on my Windows machine, which does not have Style Settings. Should be a quick fix.

mbeckrich commented 1 year ago

This should be fixed in after updating your version of the theme. This is reverts yesterday's breaking change; I'm sick, so will do a real fix tomorrow.

Shylexx commented 1 year ago

I had a look myself and using Style Settings definitely seems to make it work, so I shouldnt have any issues anymore from that point of view, I've left a gif of the exact issue I was having without it, assuming that Style Settings isnt meant to be a hard dependency, although if it is then I can only apologise for reporting an issue of not using the plugin catppuccinblock

mbeckrich commented 1 year ago

The plugin should not be a requirement to use the full palette theme — I just made a change and forgot to make sure everything still worked as it should without the plugin, so thank you for bringing it to my attention!On Nov 8, 2022, at 3:03 AM, Alex Dauncey @.***> wrote: I had a look myself and using Style Settings definitely seems to make it work, so I shouldnt have any issues anymore from that point of view, I've left a gif of the exact issue I was having without it, assuming that Style Settings isnt meant to be a hard dependency, although if it is then I can only apologise for reporting an issue of not using the plugin

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mbeckrich commented 1 year ago

This should all be corrected as of and last night's hack-y temporary fix has been removed.

Style Settings should not be needed to get the default full palette theme, so you can uninstall it if it's not of use to you otherwise. Closing the topic for now, but let me know if either of you run into further issues. Sorry for the mess. :)