catppuccin / starship

🚀 Soothing pastel theme for Starship
MIT License
233 stars 3 forks source link

Unkown key in palette #7

Closed skttlock closed 5 months ago

skttlock commented 5 months ago

Hello! Unsure if this is a Catppuccin/starship or just a Starship issue. Let me know if I can do anything to help.

Running Fedora 40 with GNOME 46. Terminal is WezTerm, using Bash. I've just installed starship and applied first the Nerd Fonts and then the catppuccin config. See my starship.toml here:

symbol = "  "

symbol = " "

symbol = " "

symbol = " "

symbol = " "

symbol = " "

read_only = " 󰌾"
truncation_length = 4
# Catppuccin 'lavender'
style = "bold lavender"

symbol = " "

symbol = " "

symbol = " "

symbol = " "

symbol = " "

symbol = " "

symbol = " "

symbol = " "

symbol = " "

symbol = " "

symbol = " "

ssh_symbol = " "

symbol = " "

symbol = " "

symbol = " "

symbol = " "

symbol = "󰍛 "

symbol = "󰔷 "

symbol = "󰆥 "

symbol = " "

symbol = " "

symbol = " "

Alpaquita = " "
Alpine = " "
AlmaLinux = " "
Amazon = " "
Android = " "
Arch = " "
Artix = " "
CentOS = " "
Debian = " "
DragonFly = " "
Emscripten = " "
EndeavourOS = " "
Fedora = " "
FreeBSD = " "
Garuda = "󰛓 "
Gentoo = " "
HardenedBSD = "󰞌 "
Illumos = "󰈸 "
Kali = " "
Linux = " "
Mabox = " "
Macos = " "
Manjaro = " "
Mariner = " "
MidnightBSD = " "
Mint = " "
NetBSD = " "
NixOS = " "
OpenBSD = "󰈺 "
openSUSE = " "
OracleLinux = "󰌷 "
Pop = " "
Raspbian = " "
Redhat = " "
RedHatEnterprise = " "
RockyLinux = " "
Redox = "󰀘 "
Solus = "󰠳 "
SUSE = " "
Ubuntu = " "
Unknown = " "
Void = " "
Windows = "󰍲 "

symbol = "󰏗 "

symbol = " "

symbol = " "

symbol = " "

symbol = " "

symbol = "󰟔 "

symbol = " "

symbol = " "

symbol = " "

symbol = " "

symbol = " "

# colorscheme
# Sets user-defined palette
palette = "catppuccin_macchiato"

# Note the use of Catppuccin color 'maroon'
success_symbol = "[[♥](green) ❯](maroon)"
error_symbol = "[❯](red)"
vimcmd_symbol = "[❮](green)"

# palette tables should be last in the config ⚓️
rosewater = "#f4dbd6"
flamingo = "#f0c6c6"
pink = "#f5bde6"
mauve = "#c6a0f6"
red = "#ed8796"
maroon = "#ee99a0"
peach = "#f5a97f"
yellow = "#eed49f"
green = "#a6da95"
teal = "#8bd5ca"
sky = "#91d7e3"
sapphire = "#7dc4e4"
blue = "#8aadf4"
lavender = "#b7bdf8"
text = "#cad3f5"
subtext1 = "#b8c0e0"
subtext0 = "#a5adcb"
overlay2 = "#939ab7"
overlay1 = "#8087a2"
overlay0 = "#6e738d"
surface2 = "#5b6078"
surface1 = "#494d64"
surface0 = "#363a4f"
base = "#24273a"
mantle = "#1e2030"
crust = "#181926"

rosewater = "#f2d5cf"
flamingo = "#eebebe"
pink = "#f4b8e4"
mauve = "#ca9ee6"
red = "#e78284"
maroon = "#ea999c"
peach = "#ef9f76"
yellow = "#e5c890"
green = "#a6d189"
teal = "#81c8be"
sky = "#99d1db"
sapphire = "#85c1dc"
blue = "#8caaee"
lavender = "#babbf1"
text = "#c6d0f5"
subtext1 = "#b5bfe2"
subtext0 = "#a5adce"
overlay2 = "#949cbb"
overlay1 = "#838ba7"
overlay0 = "#737994"
surface2 = "#626880"
surface1 = "#51576d"
surface0 = "#414559"
base = "#303446"
mantle = "#292c3c"
crust = "#232634"

rosewater = "#dc8a78"
flamingo = "#dd7878"
pink = "#ea76cb"
mauve = "#8839ef"
red = "#d20f39"
maroon = "#e64553"
peach = "#fe640b"
yellow = "#df8e1d"
green = "#40a02b"
teal = "#179299"
sky = "#04a5e5"
sapphire = "#209fb5"
blue = "#1e66f5"
lavender = "#7287fd"
text = "#4c4f69"
subtext1 = "#5c5f77"
subtext0 = "#6c6f85"
overlay2 = "#7c7f93"
overlay1 = "#8c8fa1"
overlay0 = "#9ca0b0"
surface2 = "#acb0be"
surface1 = "#bcc0cc"
surface0 = "#ccd0da"
base = "#eff1f5"
mantle = "#e6e9ef"
crust = "#dce0e8"

rosewater = "#f5e0dc"
flamingo = "#f2cdcd"
pink = "#f5c2e7"
mauve = "#cba6f7"
red = "#f38ba8"
maroon = "#eba0ac"
peach = "#fab387"
yellow = "#f9e2af"
green = "#a6e3a1"
teal = "#94e2d5"
sky = "#89dceb"
sapphire = "#74c7ec"
blue = "#89b4fa"
lavender = "#b4befe"
text = "#cdd6f4"
subtext1 = "#bac2de"
subtext0 = "#a6adc8"
overlay2 = "#9399b2"
overlay1 = "#7f849c"
overlay0 = "#6c7086"
surface2 = "#585b70"
surface1 = "#45475a"
surface0 = "#313244"
base = "#1e1e2e"
mantle = "#181825"
crust = "#11111b"

And the error I receive is:

[WARN] - (starship::config): Error in 'Zig' at 'palette': Unknown key

Thank you for your work! :-)

uncenter commented 5 months ago

Have you tried moving the line that has palette up to the top of your configuration file? I think Starship thinks the palette key is a property on the Zig table due to how TOML works.

skttlock commented 5 months ago

Ah! I didn't notice that. Trying now...

Yep! That worked. Thanks for the quick response and sorry for the bother :-)