catppuccin / tmux

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How to pass current directory to script in custom module #169

Closed jclark-dot-org closed 5 months ago

jclark-dot-org commented 5 months ago

I'd like to display the current git branch of the current directory in my status line. I wrote a script, gitbranch, that extracted the current branch name in the current directory, but it only ever showed the branch of the directory where tmux was run from. Not great, but not surprising.

So, I modified my script; you can now pass it a directory, and it will return the current branch in that directory. But how do I pass the current directory to the command, inside my custom module?

I took a look in status/; it grabs the current directory thusly:

  local text=$(get_tmux_option "@catppuccin_directory_text" "#{b:pane_current_path}")

I tried to adapt this in my custom module:

  branch="$( $HOME/bin/gitbranch "#{b:pane_current_path}" )"
  text="$(  get_tmux_option "@catppuccin_gitbranch_text" $branch )"

(To clarify: my module is ~/.tmux/plugins/tmux/custom/, and it calls ~/bin/gitbranch to get data to display)

That didn't work either, so I added logging to my gitbranch command, so I could see what param was being passed in:

"#{b:pane_current_path}" passes in #{b:pane_current_path} "${b:pane_current_path}" passes in null "${pane_current_path}" passes in null

At this point I'm just guessing. What's the correct way to get the equivalent of the "directory" module (the current directory of the current pane, aka pane_current_path) and pass it to a command in a custom module?

vdbe commented 5 months ago

In custome module above the content of text is the output of $HOME/bin/gitbranch "#{b:pane_current_path}" at the time of loading the the catppuccin plugin.

You want to the command in branch every startus update:

  branch="#( /home/user/projects/catppuccin-tmux-dev/test123.bash #{pane_current_path} )"
  text="$(get_tmux_option "@catppuccin_test123_text" "$branch")"

#{b:pane_current_path} gives basename $(pwd) if you want the full name it's #{pane_current_path}

jclark-dot-org commented 5 months ago

Perfect, thanks!