html.erb --- django html template
folder_log / javascript / vendor / lib / model
Hi everyone, I drew sketches for an html icon and a couple folders. Your beautiful icon design doesn't have icons for html in ruby and python. Frameworks like Ruby on Rails and Django have the ability to write ruby/python code in the html itself, so I've long thought it would be cool to see separate icons for those files. I'd also like you to consider my ideas for the design of the following folders: javascript, lib, log, vendor, model. These folders are present in the rails structure of the application. My suggestions are as follows:
The javascript folder you will see below, I think it can be left like this.
The lib folder I think we should draw it as a stack of books or a library, I made a sketch below but I don't think it's a good fit.
The log folder I'm thinking of drawing as a stack of papers.
The vendor folder I'm thinking of drawing as a box.
The model folder I'm thinking of drawing as a table from the console. That is ->
| Author ID | Name | Name | Name | Name |
| Author ID | Name | Name | Name | Name |
No names, just lines in blue outline. I can draw a sketch later. I haven't decided on the colors for the folders yet, I will most likely make up the exact colors later if my request is approved.
Regarding html for python, in django there is no explicit when working with it we just use .html . In that case I would like to ask/suggest if it is possible to write some script that will display .html files as python+html icons if it sees django in the library?
Finally, I would like to ask if the icons I suggested are acceptable and fit your style?
If you like my suggestions I am willing to take on these icons and see it through to completion. I would welcome any feedback, thank you very much for your consideration and wonderful icons! :3
P.S I'm bad at making queries ;(
Context and associations
html.erb --- django html template folder_log / javascript / vendor / lib / model
Hi everyone, I drew sketches for an html icon and a couple folders. Your beautiful icon design doesn't have icons for html in ruby and python. Frameworks like Ruby on Rails and Django have the ability to write ruby/python code in the html itself, so I've long thought it would be cool to see separate icons for those files. I'd also like you to consider my ideas for the design of the following folders: javascript, lib, log, vendor, model. These folders are present in the rails structure of the application. My suggestions are as follows:
The javascript folder you will see below, I think it can be left like this. The lib folder I think we should draw it as a stack of books or a library, I made a sketch below but I don't think it's a good fit. The log folder I'm thinking of drawing as a stack of papers. The vendor folder I'm thinking of drawing as a box. The model folder I'm thinking of drawing as a table from the console. That is -> +----------------+----------------+----------------+----------------+ | Author ID | Name | Name | Name | Name | +----------------+----------------+----------------+----------------+ | Author ID | Name | Name | Name | Name | +----------------+----------------+----------------+----------------+ No names, just lines in blue outline. I can draw a sketch later. I haven't decided on the colors for the folders yet, I will most likely make up the exact colors later if my request is approved.
Regarding html for python, in django there is no explicit when working with it we just use .html . In that case I would like to ask/suggest if it is possible to write some script that will display .html files as python+html icons if it sees django in the library?
Finally, I would like to ask if the icons I suggested are acceptable and fit your style? If you like my suggestions I am willing to take on these icons and see it through to completion. I would welcome any feedback, thank you very much for your consideration and wonderful icons! :3 P.S I'm bad at making queries ;(