(Please correct me if I missed it when looking through the API)
Whenever you get the chance, I'd love to see plugin message/channel support implemented in Void, along with an associated event, mainly so I can write a remote server switching API on top of it. (similar to what Bungee/Velocity implement on top of plugin channels)
I want to help in the process, but I only started working with C# a few days ago, so there's no chance that I'd be able to put together anything decent, at least till I understand the ins and outs of the language a bit better.
Once void is fleshed out a bit, I'm planning on using it as a main entrypoint into my network, allowing me to easily split modern/legacy traffic and handle each accordingly, and easily manage server switching from server-side code.
(Please correct me if I missed it when looking through the API) Whenever you get the chance, I'd love to see plugin message/channel support implemented in Void, along with an associated event, mainly so I can write a remote server switching API on top of it. (similar to what Bungee/Velocity implement on top of plugin channels)
I want to help in the process, but I only started working with C# a few days ago, so there's no chance that I'd be able to put together anything decent, at least till I understand the ins and outs of the language a bit better.
Once void is fleshed out a bit, I'm planning on using it as a main entrypoint into my network, allowing me to easily split modern/legacy traffic and handle each accordingly, and easily manage server switching from server-side code.