causefx / iDashboard-PHP

HTPC Dashboard to load website services, written in PHP
MIT License
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A bunch of questions #17

Open leram84 opened 7 years ago

leram84 commented 7 years ago

1) Would you prefer these kinds of questions to be posted somewhere else? (like an active forum thread or something)

2) Right now, the only way to access my idashboard setup is via how do i get this to work from I have all the idashboard files in C:\nginx-1.11.5\html

3) Is there a way to change "Login" to say "Admin" instead?

4) How do you have all the webpages showing by default? If i try to change one of the urls (from to for example) i just get a blank page.

5) [optional] lol have you come across any good "announcements" pages that i could use with this? I can't do much beyond very basic html editing, so im hopping maybe someone has already made something specifically for this kind of plex setup. I'd love to have the default page be a nice pre made html page that i can add a running list of announcements to.

6) Saved passwords will populate the fields, but hitting enter returns "incorrect username/password". But they are populating correctly. If i just add one character to the password field and then delete it, the form will accept the login. So it's like idashbaord doesn't know there is a username/password there until i interact with the field somehow.

7) This program has been a phenomenal learning project for me so thanks for giving me the excuse to learn about web servers!

causefx commented 7 years ago

1) here is fine :)

2)) you need to change your default nginx file to reflect php....

index index.html index.htm index.php;

3) Line 86 in index.php $lasttablist .= "<li><a>Login" . $guesticons . "</a></li>\n";

4) Some websites block iframes which we have no control over

5) What exactly are you looking for? Just standard messages for your users?

6) Where are you submitting the passwords? Different sites? Not sure about this one....

7) you're welcome, I'm glad you enjoy it :) Let me know if you need help with anything.

leram84 commented 7 years ago

1) Thank you!

2) Thank you!!!

3) Thank you!!!!

4) Damnit!!

5) Yeah, just "server will be down blah blah blah"/"I've enabled x feature" type stuff. But my guest page is downright gorgeous (my color scheme should be a default :) ), so i don't want to just plaster a white google doc or something. Looking for something stylized to fit in with plex/plexpy/ (if i get them to allow iframes!) I was originally going to try to modify it into PlexRedirect as my "home" page, but since nginx is running on my pms, theres really no point to a "status" page since you won't even be able to launch it if the server is down. idk, just thought maybe you've seen something from one of your users.

6) Using html login forms from plex, plexpy,, sonarr, sabnzbd, etc, etc, etc. They all behave identically, in that they all will allow me to save the username/password, and they repopulate the fields with them automatically, but even thought they are there, i still have to interact with at least one of the fields in some way before i can hit enter or it will act as if there is nothing there.

causefx commented 7 years ago

no worries, maybe i'll spend some time making an announcement page where you can put posts up... Lemme think about that. as for the login pages, it might because you are serving all the forms from one domain... :(

leram84 commented 7 years ago

So i actually have a great idea about the announcement page. I was thinking i could just use tumblr! That would let me create a "blog" tab with announcements recommendations, and anything else with easy format editing. Only problem is... its not working (blank page). But I checked the headers and tumblr is definetely able to be integrated into iframes (theres actually a lot of references online recomending tumblr for this). Is this because tumblr blogs are not encrypted but my domain is? Is there a way around this?

Also, I'm having a problem with the display when i have a lot of tabs. If there are too many, it will just cut off the ones at the end. The only way to see them is to resize the screen to make it MUCH smaller, and then all the tabs move to the drop down. But there is a large gap between "size where everything will get moved to a drop down" and "size where everything displays correctly". If you do decide to adjust this, I think there might be a few other improvements that would be really welcome here:

1) Allow tabs AND a drop down, so if you have a lot, you can put the most popular on the top row, and put the less popular into the drop down.

2) Allow manual tab resizing on a tab by tab basis

3) Allowing icon OR text only on a tab by tab basis: I would like to use home and settings icons only to save space, but text only everywhere else (this only really matters if you do #2 though)

4) oh and one more little thing. any reason why drop down mode doesn't follow the color scheme? Since that's default for mobile, it would be nice.

causefx commented 7 years ago

Let me check Tumblr when i get home. As for the Tabs, how many do you have open? I will take a look into 1,2 & 3. Thanks man.

leram84 commented 7 years ago


Had to remove some. Currently at 12 which seems to be the max for my screen size. But ideally i would want closer to 15-17

causefx commented 7 years ago

Holy crap haha. Yea I didn't test that high.

leram84 commented 7 years ago

did i mention how much i like this app? :))))

causefx commented 7 years ago

I really appreciate it man, I really do. And I welcome more suggestions. :)