causify-ai / kaizenflow

KaizenFlow is a framework for Bayesian reasoning and AI/ML stream computing
GNU General Public License v3.0
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On-board Shabarish Nair #583

Closed DanilYachmenev closed 1 year ago

DanilYachmenev commented 1 year ago

Please follow this checklist. Post any errors you face in this issue.

FYI @gpsaggese @sonaalKant

DanilYachmenev commented 1 year ago

Warm-up issue

shab95 commented 1 year ago

I'm encountering an issue while trying to run

source dev_scripts/client_setup/

When running the command, I encountered this message, after which the terminal immediately closed:

which python=
python -v=Command 'python' not found, did you mean: command 'python' from deb python3 command 'python' from deb-python-is-python3
which python3=/usr/bin/python3
python3 -v=Python 3.10.12
# VENV_DIR=/home/shab95/venv/amp.client_venv
# Deleting old virtual environment in '/home/shab95/src/venv/amp.client_venv
# Creating virtual environment in '/home/shab95/src/venv/amp.client_venv'

I thought this issue had to do with something to do with the statement 'python' itself, so I ran this command alias python='python3'

I then ran this command again: source dev_scripts/client_setup/

and the result was this(terminal still closes immediately afterwards):

which python=
python -v=Python 3.10.12
which python3=/usr/bin/python3
python3 -v=Python 3.10.12
# VENV_DIR=/home/shab95/venv/amp.client_venv
# Deleting old virtual environment in '/home/shab95/src/venv/amp.client_venv
# Creating virtual environment in '/home/shab95/src/venv/amp.client_venv'

There was no error in this output, so I decided to open a new terminal and run this command as well: source dev_scripts/

This was the result:

# Activate virtual env '/home/shab95/src/venv/amp.client_venv/bin/activate'
ERROR: Can't find '/home/shab95/src/venv/amp.client_venv/bin/activate'

Not sure where to go from here. Also i'm running this with Ubuntu 22.04.3 on VMware.

Going to skip this issue for now and continue with the on boarding tasks

DanilYachmenev commented 1 year ago

@shab95 did you connect to out server? Judging from your logs, you're trying to set up a virtual env at your local dir


Could you provide full cmd that you run, like

dan@dev1:~/src/orange1$ source dev_scripts_orange/ 
shab95 commented 1 year ago

Sorry, not sure what you mean by connect to server. These are the full commandsI ran:

shab95@shab95-virtual-machine:~/Documents/Sorrentum/src/sorrentum1$ source dev_scripts/client_setup/ shab95@shab95-virtual-machine:~/Documents/Sorrentum/src/sorrentum1$ source dev_scripts/

If you can point me to how I can connect to the server that may help. Apologize for the delay.

gpsaggese commented 1 year ago

@shab95 on Sorrentum you should run on your laptop, no need for the server.

@DanilYachmenev do we have info on @shab95 set-up? It seems that he is running on Windows using VMware which is the suggested set-up.

E.g., on the server I believe we use an earlier version (Ubuntu 20 or even 18?). There should be a doc on how to configure the system docs/ I remember that @Sameep2808 improved the documentation but maybe it was not integrated in Sorrentum yet?

We need to clarify exactly which version people needs to use so that it's easy to keep things aligned with our dev server set-up

DanilYachmenev commented 1 year ago

@DanilYachmenev do we have info on @shab95 set-up? It seems that he is running on Windows using VMware which is the suggested set-up.

@shab95, could you provide it for us pls?

E.g., on the server I believe we use an earlier version (Ubuntu 20 or even 18?). There should be a doc on how to configure the system docs/ I remember that @Sameep2808 improved the documentation but maybe it was not integrated in Sorrentum yet?

@gpsaggese this is what we have on Windows VMware, it seems to be in-line with cmamp doc version

@Sameep2808 could you ptal at the problem with Shabarish's set-up?

shab95 commented 1 year ago

@DanilYachmenev Yes, I'm running Ubuntu 22.04.3 VMware on my Windows 11 laptop. Based on the Supporting OS section , I thought I would need to clone Sorrentum into a VM and do everything in the VM.

I also attempted to build the thin environment locally(Windows not Ubuntu VM) in Windows Powershell and WSL Ubuntu terminal, but I am getting errors for both.

Just to confirm, I also did try building the thin environment in the VM and you can see the commands I ran in the last two comments.

Are there any other pieces of information needed?

gpsaggese commented 1 year ago

Correct. You need to do everything inside the VM.

@Sameep2808 can you pls chime in here?

Sameep2808 commented 1 year ago

Yes I remember facing this issue as well @shab95 can you install these dependencies first and try again.

sudo apt install python3.8-venv
python3 -m pip install --user --upgrade pip
python3 -m pip install --user virtualenv
shab95 commented 1 year ago

Thank you so much! The commands work, but I am not seeing the correct result.

I think what may have also helped it was using Ubuntu version 20.04.6 instead of 22.04.3 or the fact that 20.04.6 comes with python verison 3.8(not exactly sure). After running these commands, I was able to build and activate the thin environment.

Here are the end of the results that I see

# Configure env
which gh=
alias alert='notify-send --urgency=low -i "$([ $? = 0 ] && echo terminal || echo error)" "$(history|tail -n1|sed -e '\''s/^\s*[0-9]\+\s*//;s/[;&|]\s*alert$//'\'')"'
alias egrep='egrep --color=auto'
alias fgrep='fgrep --color=auto'
alias grep='grep --color=auto'
alias i='invoke'
alias ih='invoke --help'
alias il='invoke --list'
alias it='invoke traceback'
alias itpb='pbpaste | -i - -o cfile'
alias l='ls -CF'
alias la='ls -A'
alias ll='ls -alF'
alias ls='ls --color=auto'
==> SUCCESS <==

Here is what it says in the development setup:

alias sp='echo '\''source ~/.profile'\''; source ~/.profile'
alias vi='/usr/bin/vi'
alias vim='/usr/bin/vi'
alias vimdiff='/usr/bin/vi -d'
alias vip='vim -c "source ~/.vimrc_priv"'
alias w='which'
==> SUCCESS <==

Also, I tried pulling afterwards: i git_pull

However, I get this error when I run the command:

One and only one set-up config should be true:
INFO: > cmd='/home/shab95/src/venv/amp.client_venv/bin/invoke git_pull'
## git_pull: 
git pull --autostash
fatal: --[no-]autostash option is only valid with --rebase.

Any help would be appreciated.

gpsaggese commented 1 year ago

Make sure to read/investigate errors on your own before asking for help. A Google search might tell you that you have an old version of git

What version do you have?

shab95 commented 1 year ago

I did have git version 2.25, but upgrading to 2.42 did help resolve the issue. Sorry about that, I definitely should have put some more time into resolving it myself.

Also, is it ok that the results of the setup command in the development setup is different from the ouput I received from running the setup command(source dev_scripts/