cavalle / steak

DISCONTINUED - The delicious combination of RSpec and Capybara for Acceptance BDD
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Webrat & Capibara in Steak generators #1

Closed jeffkreeftmeijer closed 14 years ago

jeffkreeftmeijer commented 14 years ago

Cucumber's generators allow you to pass if you want to use Webrat of Capybara, like this:

script/generate cucumber --webrat # or --capybara

I think this would be a great one for Steak as well. What do you think? :)

cavalle commented 14 years ago

Makes a lot of sense. Actually I think Capybara should be the default. Thanks for the suggestion.

jeffkreeftmeijer commented 14 years ago

I agree on making Capybara the default. I'll dive into the generators and report back soon. :)

jeffkreeftmeijer commented 14 years ago

I've done some work on the generators (from the master branch, I haven't touched the rails3 branch yet). The steak generator now accepts the --webrat and --capybara options, like this:

script/generate steak --webrat # or --capybara

Also, I've made the generator default to capybara if no option is passed.

cavalle commented 14 years ago

Thanks for the patch. It looks ok, implementation wise, although I think it'd be good to add a couple of specs (one for each driver). Something like this in steak_generator_spec.rb would work:

scenario "Running generator for capybara by default" do
  rails_app = create_rails_app(:setup_steak => false)

  Dir.chdir rails_app do
    `script/generate steak`

  spec_file = create_spec :path    => rails_app + "/spec/acceptance", 
                          :content => <<-SPEC
    require File.dirname(__FILE__) + "/acceptance_helper.rb"
    feature "Capybara spec" do
      scenario "First scenario" do
        visit "/"
        page.should have_content('No route matches')
  output = run_spec spec_file
  output.should =~ /1 example, 0 failures/

Also, a quick mention to this new feature in the README would be nice.

Finally, if everything is packed as just one commit, then that'd perfect!

cavalle commented 14 years ago

Ok, I've just applied a working patch by jeffkreeftmeijer which implements this in the master branch (Rails 2.x) fd2cac76a4fb188033c3

I'll keep this issue open until it is also implemented in the rails3 branch

jeffkreeftmeijer commented 14 years ago

Got it working in my rails3 branch ( ). It works exactly the same as the patch I did in master.

However, I had to jump through some hoops to get the specs running properly.

Capybara didn't work when I put Steak in the project as a plugin, so I put it in the Gemfile. Webrat didn't work when I put Steak in the Gemfile, so I had to add a :plugin flag to create_rails_app. <-- Eew!

If anyone knows a better way to fix this, let me know. :)

cavalle commented 14 years ago

Thanks, Jeff. I'll check it out soon.

Actually I'm considering to not support webrat at all in rails3 branch. I have to think about it

cavalle commented 14 years ago

Configure webrat in full rack mode and use as a gem (not plugin). Closed by 00e3639c1b260b8196d3813fd140f44a42572291

cavalle commented 14 years ago

I merged Jeff's rails3 branch successfully. I had to fix a couple of things that made the specs to fail.

Besides that, I was able to make webrat work as a gem (not as a plugin) setting it up as described here for Sinatra (see “Modular style, with RSpec”)

I've released 0.4.0.a4 with those changes.

I'm not completely happy about a couple of things, though: