cavalle / steak

DISCONTINUED - The delicious combination of RSpec and Capybara for Acceptance BDD
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Generators not working with rails3 #17

Closed boriscy closed 13 years ago

boriscy commented 13 years ago

I have run rails generate steak:install but didn't work with steak 1.0.0.beta.2, in a projects that I have updated, but works fine in a new project, I'll look

cavalle commented 13 years ago

I'm not able to reproduce your problem. It works ok for me following the steps described in the Readme.

Are you sure you're running bundle install before running the generator?

boriscy commented 13 years ago

I have done the bundle install, and it is working fine for new proyects I'll look deeper.

cavalle commented 13 years ago

ok, thanks. Just reopen this issue if you found something

rawburt commented 13 years ago

the generator was not working for me until i added :development to the group...when it was just :test it could not find it.

cavalle commented 13 years ago

yes. Exactly as the documentation (readme) says you should do :)

rawburt commented 13 years ago

correct, i'm just reporting what i discovered ;)