cavalle / steak

DISCONTINUED - The delicious combination of RSpec and Capybara for Acceptance BDD
MIT License
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including Capybara in global scope has it colliding with ActiveRecord (2.3.5) #2

Closed charly closed 14 years ago

charly commented 14 years ago

It was discussed with j.nicklas of capybara

thanx for the meat anyway, still a bit raw ;-) !

cavalle commented 14 years ago

Totally true. I'm a bit ashamed about this one :) Will fix the generator right away

cavalle commented 14 years ago

Properly including Capybara without invading the global namespace. Closed by f787699c1af94cea5f2469001a83b958c79c309c

jeffkreeftmeijer commented 14 years ago

My bad. Probably read an old README. Sorry. :)