cavalle / steak

DISCONTINUED - The delicious combination of RSpec and Capybara for Acceptance BDD
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Reducing Rspec/Rails gem dependencies #23

Closed textgoeshere closed 13 years ago

textgoeshere commented 13 years ago


Tiny tiny change :)

I've updated the Gemspec to require Rails >= 2.3 (not >= 3) and Rspec >= 1.3 (not >= 2).

Steak actually works with these earlier versions and the higher dependencies in the Gemspec were causing problems for us in our continuous integration builds.

Cheers, Dave

cavalle commented 13 years ago

But those are development dependencies. You shouldn't install them unless you're developing Steak! And it is actually a bit complicated because if you want to run the steak spec suite, you need both rspec 1 & 2 and both rails 2 & 3.

textgoeshere commented 13 years ago

Ah crap so they are, sorry ignore my noise... The source my minor trouble must be somewhere else. Hmm. Cheers, D

cavalle commented 13 years ago

No worries. Cheers!