cavalle / steak

DISCONTINUED - The delicious combination of RSpec and Capybara for Acceptance BDD
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capybara HEAD doesn't play nice w/ steak: :type=>:acceptance vs. :type=>:request #38

Closed hipe closed 13 years ago

hipe commented 13 years ago

since capybara master branch fee2a702 (2011-03-12), capybara has a "feature" DSL method that seems to conflict with this one. (capybara sets :type => :request instead of :type => :acceptance for such features. When the features types get set like this, steak helpers don't load, etc.)

if steak adds anything that capybara now doesn't, could you rework the Rspec feature group "matchers" to match on :steak_feature => true instead of :type => :acceptance?

if steak doesn't add anything significant over capybara now, should it be considered a successful but now obsolete project?

(because at its core, steak seems to be essentially a few generators and about 10 lines that effectively do: alias scenario example alias background before alias feature describe)


cavalle commented 13 years ago

Compatibility with latest capybara will work in the next version of Steak, (in development):

Meanwhile you just need to not include "capybara/rspec"

hipe commented 13 years ago

excellent, thanks!