cavalle / steak

DISCONTINUED - The delicious combination of RSpec and Capybara for Acceptance BDD
MIT License
763 stars 32 forks source link

require 'rspec-rails' #42

Closed kschiess closed 13 years ago

kschiess commented 13 years ago

Why does steak depend on rails? Version 1.1.0 used to work perfectly without. Can this be gotten back somehow?

cavalle commented 13 years ago

Capybara 1.0 now includes the old Steak DSL (feature, scenario, background). So if you're not in Rails, Capybara is probably all you need.

If for any reason you still need to use Steak, then stick to 1.1.x.

kschiess commented 13 years ago

Capybara 1.0 now includes the old Steak DSL (feature, scenario, background). So if you're not in Rails, Capybara is probably all you need.

Thanks for clarifying. I was a bit quick with the bug report there, sorry!
