cavalle / steak

DISCONTINUED - The delicious combination of RSpec and Capybara for Acceptance BDD
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steak-1 with rails 2.3.2 #43

Closed chamnap closed 12 years ago

chamnap commented 13 years ago

I'm having some troubles with installing gems for my rails 2.3.2. Would you mind send me out the versions that are compatible with each other. I found some git repositories for rails 2.3, but when I installed them, it installed the latest gems.

I would like to work with rspec rspec-rails steak capybara database_cleaner launchy.

On my first setup with steak-1, rspec 1.3.2 and rspec-rails 1.3.2, capybara 1.0.0, it seems ok with 2 problems:

  1. deprecated config.include Capybara, so I changed to Capybara::DSL

Spec::Runner.configure do |config| config.include Capybara::DSL end

  1. I can't use rspec matchers, so i do this based on some resources i found:

class Spec::Rails::Example::AcceptanceExampleGroup raise "Please, try to remove this. In this version of Rails it might be not necessary" unless Rails.version == "2.3.2" def method_missing(sym, args, &block) return, args) if sym.tos =~ /^be/ return, *args) if sym.tos =~ /^have/ super end end

But then, I can't use the click_link, it said "undefined method `path' for #Rack::Request:0xb7252ae4"