cavalle / steak

DISCONTINUED - The delicious combination of RSpec and Capybara for Acceptance BDD
MIT License
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Change the rspec dependency to ~> 1.3 #49

Closed hugobarauna closed 12 years ago

hugobarauna commented 12 years ago

Depending on rspec >= 1.3 installs rspec 2.0. When using Rails 2.3, and not using bundler, that could be a problem.

cavalle commented 12 years ago

As stated in the Readme, latest Steak is meant to be used in Rails 3 with RSpec 2. Steak 1 is the version to use with Rails 2.3 and Rspec 1.3.

I'd consider this same pull request, but in the steak-1 branch, if you want open it.

Also, it might make sense to explicitly depend on rspec >= 2.0 in the master branch. A patch for that would also be welcome.