cavalleria / cavaface

face recognition training project(pytorch)
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Training Accuracy is Wrong but Validation Accuracy is Corrent #69

Open John1231983 opened 3 years ago

John1231983 commented 3 years ago

I used your code with AMP FP16 from pytorch 1.6. I achieved a good accuracy on validation set but showing the training accuracy is wrong. Do you have any suggestion to fix it? @xsacha @cavalleria . Thanks in advance This is my log

batch inference time 0.09423589706420898
Epoch 23/24 Batch 4000/5563     Training Loss 5.1602 (5.0847)   Training Prec@1 44.824 (45.528) Training Prec@5 58.203 (57.886)
Current lr 0.0007111800824550257
Perform Evaluation on lfw,cfp_fp,agedb_30, and Save Checkpoints...
Epoch 23/24, Evaluation: lfw, Acc: 0.9964999999999999, Best_Threshold: 1.3989999999999998
Epoch 23/24, Evaluation: cfp_fp, Acc: 0.9687142857142856, Best_Threshold: 1.591
Epoch 23/24, Evaluation: agedb_30, Acc: 0.969, Best_Threshold: 1.546

I think Training Prec@1 and Training Prec@5 should be near 100. This is my training code

        for inputs, labels in tqdm(iter(train_loader)):
            if LR_SCHEDULER == 'cosine':
            # compute output
            inputs = inputs.cuda(cfg['GPU'], non_blocking=True)
            labels = labels.cuda(cfg['GPU'], non_blocking=True)
            with autocast():
                features = backbone(inputs)            
                outputs = head(features, labels)

                if cfg['MIXUP'] or cfg['CUTMIX']:
                    lossx = mixup_criterion(loss, outputs, labels_a, labels_b, lam)
                    lossx = loss(outputs, labels) if HEAD_NAME != 'CircleLoss' else loss(outputs).mean()
            end_time = time.time()
            duration = end_time - start_time
            if ((batch + 1) % DISP_FREQ == 0) and batch != 0:
                print("batch inference time", duration)

            # compute gradient and do SGD step
            if USE_APEX:
                # with amp.scale_loss(lossx, optimizer) as scaled_loss:
                #     scaled_loss.backward()

            # measure accuracy and record loss
            prec1, prec5 = accuracy(, labels, topk = (1, 5)) if HEAD_NAME != 'CircleLoss' else accuracy(, labels, topk = (1, 5))
            losses.update(, inputs.size(0))
            top1.update(, inputs.size(0))
            top5.update(, inputs.size(0))
            # dispaly training loss & acc every DISP_FREQ
            if ((batch + 1) % DISP_FREQ == 0) or batch == 0:
                print("=" * 60)
                print('Epoch {}/{} Batch {}/{}\t'
                                'Training Loss {loss.val:.4f} ({loss.avg:.4f})\t'
                                'Training Prec@1 {top1.val:.3f} ({top1.avg:.3f})\t'
                                'Training Prec@5 {top5.val:.3f} ({top5.avg:.3f})'.format(
                                    epoch + 1, cfg['NUM_EPOCH'], batch + 1, len(train_loader), loss = losses, top1 = top1, top5 = top5))
                print("=" * 60)

And this is my head

class ArcFace(nn.Module):
    def forward(self, embbedings, label):
        embbedings = l2_norm(embbedings, axis = 1)
        kernel_norm = l2_norm(self.kernel, axis = 0)
        #print (embbedings.dtype, kernel_norm.dtype)
        cos_theta =, kernel_norm).clamp(-1, 1)  # for numerical stability
        with torch.no_grad():
            origin_cos = cos_theta.clone()
        target_logit = cos_theta[torch.arange(0, embbedings.size(0)), label].view(-1, 1)
        sin_theta = torch.sqrt(1.0 - torch.pow(target_logit, 2))
        cos_theta_m = target_logit * self.cos_m - sin_theta * self.sin_m #cos(target+margin)
        cos_theta_m = cos_theta_m.type(cos_theta.dtype)        
        cos_theta.scatter_(1, label.view(-1, 1).long(), final_target_logit)
        output = cos_theta * self.s
        return output
cavalleria commented 3 years ago

your acc is normal

John1231983 commented 3 years ago

Thanks @cavalleria but the log is unnormal.

Training Prec@1 44.824 (45.528) Training Prec@5 58.203 (57.886)

It should be 99%

xsacha commented 3 years ago

If training precision gets to 99%, you have overfitted the data. It'll probably eventually hit 80-90% depending on depth if you leave it training much longer with lower learning rates, but it isn't necessary. Your learning rate is still fairly high so I wouldn't expect high training accuracy. If you have augmentation turned on, you can expect even lower training accuracy.

John1231983 commented 3 years ago

@xsacha @cavalleria thanks your comments but I refer log from The log shows at the same epoch Training Prec@1 99.8 (100.0) Training Prec@5 100 (100)

xsacha commented 3 years ago

Yeah that log looks wrong. You definitely should never get 100% training accuracy. Even close to it is bad. Your model will probably be bogus if you get 100% trained and you need to add more augmentation or training data.

The '1000' looks like a bug too.

John1231983 commented 3 years ago

Sorry it is typo :)