cavalryjim / anicords

Source code for the animal healthcare platform AnimalMinder.
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Home page news item #29

Open dooliddler opened 10 years ago

dooliddler commented 10 years ago

Should we add an additional news?

Team Animal Minder participated in first annual GeauxHack event at LSU

james 30-August-2014 0 comments

Team Animal Minder was proud to participate in the first annual GeauxHack event, a 24 hour creative coding marathon held at Louisiana State University. Supported by LSU STEM Talent Expansion Program, LSU Computer Science department, and other sponsors, this event brought student teams from across the country together to collaborate and invent.

cavalryjim commented 10 years ago

Ideally, this pulls from a Twitter or RSS feed. That way, you just tweet and it is added to the website.