cawoolf / PhrasalFR

A language learning app that allows you to quiz yourself on custom phrases.
Apache License 2.0
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Can spam yourself with audio on the quiz #11

Closed cawoolf closed 1 year ago

cawoolf commented 1 year ago

On both the questions and the answers you can spam yourself

cawoolf commented 1 year ago

This happens as well on the Phrases fragment. When typing in a phrase it spams you on text changed.

cawoolf commented 1 year ago

Fixed Phrases typing spam, but still adding TTS to a never ending queue

cawoolf commented 1 year ago

solved by good ol chatgpt

To prevent the TextToSpeech queue from getting filled with requests when the button is clicked multiple times, you can check if the TextToSpeech engine is speaking before calling the speak() method. You can achieve this by using the isSpeaking() method provided by the TextToSpeech class.

Here's an example of how you can modify the code to check if the TextToSpeech engine is speaking before calling the speak() method:

scss Copy code if (mAnswerSetting.toString() == getString(R.string.answer_format_value_french_audio) || mAnswerSetting.toString() == getString(R.string.answer_format_value_french_text)) { val frenchText = answerPhrase.phraseFrench if (!mTextToSpeech.isSpeaking) { mPhrasalUtil.useTextToSpeech(frenchText) } }

fun useTextToSpeech(frenchText: String) { mTextToSpeech.setSpeechRate(1.0F) mTextToSpeech.speak(frenchText, TextToSpeech.QUEUE_ADD, null) } In the modified code, we check if the TextToSpeech engine is speaking by calling the isSpeaking() method before calling the speak() method. If the TextToSpeech engine is not speaking, we call the useTextToSpeech() method to speak the French text.

By adding this check, you can prevent the TextToSpeech queue from getting filled with requests when the button is clicked multiple times in a row.