I am using version 0.5.0 on Rails 5 and everything works great on development. I am using the example code provided in the docs and the xlsx file is perfect.
When i try in production however i get a
No template found for Admin::ReportsController#create, rendering head :no_content
This error also fails silently, i click on the create report button and nothing happens.
I then tried to use a more explicit render version with:
I am using version 0.5.0 on Rails 5 and everything works great on development. I am using the example code provided in the docs and the xlsx file is perfect.
When i try in production however i get a
This error also fails silently, i click on the create report button and nothing happens.
I then tried to use a more explicit render version with:
And i get this error:
It looks like the handler :xlsx is not registered and Rails can't find the template. However, in development everything works just great??