cazala / synaptic

architecture-free neural network library for node.js and the browser
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Dead simple example of LSTM #217

Open basickarl opened 7 years ago

basickarl commented 7 years ago

I've even put up a question on stackoverflow, your more than happy to answer!

As the subject states, no full examples of how to A) Train then B) Test. CLEAR examples, there are complicated half done examples, nothing I can wrap my head around though.

basickarl commented 7 years ago
const lstm = new Architect.LSTM(1, 4, 4, 4, 1, options);

Default options for the LSTM (should ALSO be stated in the documentation...).

peepholes: Layer.connectionType.ALL_TO_ALL
hiddenToHidden: false
outputToHidden: false
outputToGates: false
inputToOutput: true

Already has it's own trainer. No need for const trainer = new Trainer(lstm);, just call it const results = lstm.trainer.train(set, options);.

Default trainer options (should ALSO be stated in the documentation...):

this.rate = options.rate || .2;
this.iterations = options.iterations || 100000;
this.error = options.error || .005;
this.cost = options.cost || null;
this.crossValidate = options.crossValidate || null;

The source code is also not written well, what are public methods? What are private?

feed-forward activation of all the layers to produce an ouput (spelling mistake in source code):

const results = lstm.activate(input);

All input data training or testing MUST be normalized (value between 0 and 1).

basickarl commented 7 years ago

basickarl commented 7 years ago


const synaptic = require('synaptic');

const Architect = synaptic.Architect;
const Layer = synaptic.Layer;

const lstmOptions = {
    peepholes: Layer.connectionType.ALL_TO_ALL,
    hiddenToHidden: false,
    outputToHidden: false,
    outputToGates: false,
    inputToOutput: true,
const lstm = new Architect.LSTM(1, 4, 4, 4, 1, lstmOptions);

const trainSet = [
    { input: [0], output: [0] },
    { input: [1], output: [1] },
    { input: [1], output: [0] },
    { input: [0], output: [1] },
    { input: [0], output: [0] },
const trainOptions = {
    rate: 0.2,
    iterations: 10000,
    error: 0.005,
    cost: null,
    crossValidate: null,
const trainResults = lstm.trainer.train(trainSet, trainOptions);

const testResults = [];
testResults[0] = lstm.activate([0]);
testResults[1] = lstm.activate([1]);
testResults[2] = lstm.activate([1]);
testResults[3] = lstm.activate([0]);
testResults[4] = lstm.activate([0]);

Thanks to that actually has example code which is pedagogic.

basickarl commented 7 years ago
const trainSet = [
    { input: [0], output: [0.1] },
    { input: [1], output: [0.2] },
    { input: [0], output: [0.3] },
    { input: [1], output: [0.4] },
    { input: [0], output: [0.5] },
// ...
testResults[0] = lstm.activate([0]);
testResults[1] = lstm.activate([1]);
testResults[2] = lstm.activate([0]);
testResults[3] = lstm.activate([1]);
testResults[4] = lstm.activate([0]);

Results in:

[ [ 0.18288280009908592 ],
  [ 0.2948083898027347 ],
  [ 0.35061782593064206 ],
  [ 0.3900799575806566 ],
  [ 0.49454852760556606 ] ]
jeancode commented 6 years ago

Este código reconoce letras en canvas pero no sirve
