cazala / synaptic

architecture-free neural network library for node.js and the browser
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Join Slack Community: BRIIM - Machine Learning in JavaScript #319

Open rwieruch opened 6 years ago

rwieruch commented 6 years ago

Hello @cazala and everyone else :) In this PR I want propose the BRIIM community as Slack Community for your library. I believe it would help people tons to discuss and learn from each other in an interactive chat.

BRIIM, the Machine Learning in JS movement, tries to gather all developers using ML and ML related libraries in JS in one community. I believe it is great to learn from each other when using one library, but also to explore other libraries in the ML in JS ecosystem. So far, every library is its own little community. However, in order to make ML in JS a larger topic this year, I try to bring together all developers/communities with this movement.

In the next days, I want to propose the community to other ML and ML related libraries too. A couple of those already joined the Slack Group.

It would be great to have you with us in order to strengthen the ML in JS movement in 2018 :) If you are more interested in my doings, please checkout this blog post. I hope the article shows that I mean it serious with BRIIM :) Thanks for considering to participate! If it doesn't work out, you can always leave the Slack Community. But I hope to bootstrap this community to make ML in JS happen in 2018. 🚀