Open cbadenes opened 3 years ago
matching between requirements and resources:
the original ontology should be extended to incorporate information about revenue :
coo:revenue a owl:DatatypeProperty ;
schema:domainIncludes rov:RegisteredOrganization ;
schema:rangeIncludes xsd:integer ;
rdfs:label "revenue" ;
skos:definition "total amount of income generated by the sale of goods or services related to the company." ;
skos:scopeNote "Used for sorting." .
the original ontology should be extended to incorporate information about market :
coo:inMarket a owl:ObjectProperty ;
schema:domainIncludes rov:RegisteredOrganization ;
schema:rangeIncludes coo:Market ;
rdfs:label "business market" ;
skos:definition "method a company uses to sell products or services to a specific group of consumers." ;
coo:Market a rdfs:Class;
rdfs:label "Business Market";
skos:definition """process of selling product and services to other businesses, where those products and services will either be used as a raw material for the manufacturing of other products. Or those businesses buy the products or services and resell them."""@en;
some extensions are required in the original ontology
Reuse of the TBFY Ontology based on the euBusinessGraph Ontology: