cbail / textnets

R package to perform automated text analysis using network techniques
MIT License
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No PrepTextSent() function #22

Closed RichardShea closed 3 years ago

RichardShea commented 3 years ago


sotu_firsts_sentiment <- PrepTextSent(sotu_firsts, groupvar = "president", textvar = "sotu_text", node_type = "groups", tokenizer = "words", sentiment_lexicon = "afinn", language = "english", udmodel_lang = udmodel_lang, remove_numbers = NULL, compound_nouns = TRUE)

Error: Error in PrepTextSent(sotu_firsts, groupvar = "president", textvar = "sotu_text", : could not find function "PrepTextSent"

cbail commented 3 years ago

That function is in development (not yet ready for public use), sorry.