cbanack / comic-vine-scraper

An add-on script for ComicRack that lets you copy details from Comic Vine into your comic books.
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No longer pulls additional covers #444

Closed Pachilles closed 7 years ago

Pachilles commented 7 years ago

When I click 'more covers', it always returns with 'Single Cover', even when more are available at Has comicvine changed it's format enough to break this?

Example page, Scraper stated as Single Cover:

cbanack commented 7 years ago

Yes, unfortunately ComicVine does not offer variant covers in their public API. The scraper used to pull that information directly off the ComicVine website, but ComicVine really didn't approve it this and banned the scraper until I took that functionality out.

So you are correct that the 'more covers' feature will never find more covers right now. The obvious thing to do would be to remove the feature entirely, since it doesn't work...but the following thread at the ComicVine forum leads me to believe that variant/alternate cover images might eventually get added to the API. If that happens, I can easily fix the 'more covers' feature.

cbanack commented 7 years ago

Closing as duplicate of issue #431.