cbanack / comic-vine-scraper

An add-on script for ComicRack that lets you copy details from Comic Vine into your comic books.
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ComicVine doesn't find meta data even if comic_issue is present #474

Open ErenPhayte opened 4 years ago

ErenPhayte commented 4 years ago

I initially had a whole collection of comics that were tagged with ComicTagger. I wrote a script to port ComicTagger information into your Scraper structure i.e.

ComicTagger had [Issue ID. ...] and I changed that to [CVDB...] in addition I created the custom variable comicvine_issue .. however, the thing missing is the comicvine_volumn which ComicTagger doesn't have.

I tried to refresh the data of the comics using your scraper in hopes it will also update the comicvine_volumn however there are a lot of comics that didn't find a match and I suspect it didn't just use the issue number to get the comic but rather used the standard metadata to search for the comic again.

How do I get it to use the comicvine_issue so it can refresh the data with that specific issue?

Note: If I find the comic in the list, it still puts in the same issue id, so it's no that comic vine no longer has the comic or its mapped to a different issue id now.

cbanack commented 4 years ago

I am not familiar with ComicTagger, so I can't offer any help with that.

However, it sounds like you already have Comic Vine issue IDs for your comics -- if you do, it should be possible to write a script to set those IDs in the comic books metadata as a "CVDB" tag. If the CVDB tag is set correctly, the scraper will use that to "pick" the right issue on Comic Vine:

killo3967 commented 1 year ago

I had the same problem an was the filter in advanced options. Delete all options, restart comicrack, and try again.
