cbanack / comic-vine-scraper

An add-on script for ComicRack that lets you copy details from Comic Vine into your comic books.
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[FR] Manual input of Comic Vine Issue Number on manual selection screen #478

Open TRusselo opened 3 years ago

TRusselo commented 3 years ago

I know this is no longer in development, but in case it someday gets resurrected by someone....

After auto-tagging fails to identify an issue, on the screen where you manually select the issue from the list of search results, it would be great to have a spot to just type in the ComicVine ID# of the issue.

EG in this example 4000-132053 is the comic vine ID number of this issue. each comic has a unique ID

Sometimes its easier to find the comic issue on comic vine with google, rather than scrolling through the comicrack search results.


cbanack commented 3 years ago

One thing that might help: if you click "Search Again", and then search for the url of a Comic Book series page on Comic Vine, this should "short circuit" the search to force it to use the series that you've provided.

I can' remember (I wrote this code quite a few years ago now) but I think you might even be able to search for the url of the exact issue page on Comic Vine site, and that will work too. In fact, I think you can even search just for the Comic Rack series ID or issue ID. I might be wrong about that, but it's the kind of thing I'd do...

TRusselo commented 3 years ago

Ah... there it is... right in the documentation.... RTFM... RTFM... RTFM Thanks. awesome work.